
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

May 28, 2014

Bastiat on Plunder

         "When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it."  - Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850)

         We are deeply grateful for the support our valued subscribers have been showering us with over what has somehow turned into years now, and when the kind of ardent readership The Post has grown used to manifests itself in the form of a material contribution to the important body of work MacDougal is quietly amassing - quietly, stridently, and almost singlehandedly amassing, as you all know - we can only rush to publish it.

         Thanks for the above citation, tan_n_buffonblockisland.

May 23, 2014

Redskins Renamed

         Half the Senate has called for the NFL’s Washington Redskins franchise to change its name.  Since Government gives these people the mother of all tax breaks, league officials may not feel like helping Skins management weasel out of it if push comes to shove along the corridors on Capitol Hill.

         MacDougal thought it might be useful to come up with a more historically accurate moniker in case the team gets to thinking it probably could use a new one.

         Running the numbers on every settler v savage or savage v settler atrocity committed from 1511 to 1890 in what became the continental United States, historian William Osborn tells us the score is 9,156 scalped European settlers to 7,193 mostly shot savages.  In addition to scalping, we’re talking about miscellaneous tomahawking, burning, raping, knifing, clubbing, shooting, impaling, strangling, kidnapping, and ambushing, and that’s before you even get to the massacres, unmentionable torture, infanticide, and God only knows what else is there when you really dig in, which we didn't want to, so there's a whole lot of historical accuracy to back us up with here.

         As anyone who had people in the Indian Wars will confirm, family histories generally agree that "the only good injun is a dead injun".  However, bending to the 21st Century political correctness police, the Washington Dead Injuns probably has to be ruled out.  To us here at the Post, that seems to leave two viable possibilities:  The Bloodthirsty Tomahawking Savages would just leave room for more of the same type of complaining, so we’ve dropped that too, leaving:

         The Washington Scalped European Settlers.

         We're certain Redskin fans will love it as much as we do.

May 20, 2014

What about the Fraud? What about the Perps?

         In two separate WTF* actions, dastardly functionaries in the Department of Injustice just hit 5 Chinese military officers with criminal charges over cyber-espionage wIthout fingering the Central Commie Government Masterminds ordering them to do it, and, get this, slapped a $2.6 billion fine on Credit Suisse SHAREHOLDERS to settle claims that Crime Family Dons helped U. S. citizens dodge taxes while charging CRIME FAMILY DONS HELPING U. S. CITIZENS DODGE TAXES with bupkis.

         WTF doesn’t begin to cover it with dastardly INJUSTICE functionaries.

         Remember, we’re talking about the same Central Commie Government Masterminds who set up a colossal fraud over who’s doing what over there and how, claiming they have commie CEO’s and commie workers doing commie business as, and we kid you not, CAPITALIST CORPORATIONS somehow separate from their commie state that basically every moron in the West has “invested “ in as if this whole b#llsh!t operation wasn’t a total commie lie.  The same Central Commie Government Masterminds who've been grabbing every trade secret they can get their grubby little commie hands on.  With impunity.  For decades now.  The same Central Commie Government Masterminds who lured all our manufacturing jobs away.  Far, far away to their b#llsh!t total commie lie operation that every moron in the West has "invested" in.

         As for the Swiss Crime Families, SHAREHOLDERS are held financially responsible???  WTF, WTF, WTF, WTF.  Dons get off scot free?????  WTF, WTF, WTF, WTF, WTF, WTF, WTF, WTF, WTF, WTF, WTF, WTF, WTF, WTF, WTF, WTF.

         Where’s the media on this one?  Where’s anybody.  Are we all totally brainless in this pathetic time and place except MacDougal?

*What the hey?

May 16, 2014

The London Gold Fix

         If you're born into a big-time Wall Street Crime Family you know for sure that markets are rigged – all of them – and how.  Dads clue us in.  Some of the kids, like MacDougal, are repulsed by financial racketeering.  The lowlifes sign on.

         And so, it comes as no surprise around here to hear that a slew of professional investors dragged big-time bankers at five big-time London banks before judges at the Federal District Court of Manhattan the other day to charge the creeps with gold price manipulation.

         Victimized plaintiffs include gold traders, hedge fund managers, public investors, and private citizens.  The fingered are Crime Lords from Barclays, Scotiabank, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, and Societe Generale.  These dirty rats are accused of collusion stemming from their role as market maker.  A bunch of cases are being consolidated, and more get filed every day as news of the proceedings gets around.

         Coming on the heels of proven Libor price fixing, this action may herald the actual presence of actual law enforcement in the financial arena.  Everybody knows that the price of gold has nothing to do with supply and demand, and never has.  The market here is a complete travesty, that the subject of all kinds of off-the-wall theories, mostly hilarious to those of us in the know, trying to explain away what is actually total corruption at the point where buy order gets matched up with sell order, and the whole damn answer is as simple as that, by cracky.

         During the Libor investigation, it was found that interbank rate perps collected at the same private clubs, lived in the same tony neighborhoods, and even changed jobs at the same banks throughout their careers, giving the pack of them more than ample opportunity to do dirty deeds to interbank rates.  That’s expected to be the case here, and has been cited as an argument in at least one court action.

         We hope the rotten b$st$rds get what’s coming to them, and pray that everybody else wises up.  It’s quite possible that capitalism could actually work some day if the miserable thieving sots running these cons ever got rooted out.

May 3, 2014

NBA Banned from The MacDougal Post for Life

        Led by a White House thug bullying media outlets into broadcasting his blatant lies as “news”, this nation’s Black community has come to be judged the nadir of ethical and moral depravity by pretty much everyone else in the world.  It’s seen as a crime-ridden culture built around drug trafficking that's best defined in terms of those over-the-top rates of incarceration, teenage gang membership, absentee parenthood, murder, abortion, multiple father household formation, auto theft, illegal gun ownership, and the Government handout, and is generally believed to be characterized by 1) their flat out refusal to work an honest job, 2) total rejection of anything American, especially Christian names, 3) the vitriolic hatred of Whites, as mouthed, for example, by the President’s own hometown pastor, and 4) an outrageous "civil rights" leadership sensationalizing any Black v White conflict these publicity hounds can manipulate into a racist media circus, self-perceived victims all, a vicious people hell bent on blaming White America for everything that Black America does wrong.  To civilized men and women across the globe, the Black ghetto is a no man’s land, where gunfighting drug dealers scare other residents off the streets, and the decades-long seizure of jobs and college admission slots from Whites through unjust affirmative action poppycock and the like serves to show just how egregious their threat to anything White has become.  No man of non-color in his right mind would ever think of setting foot on their turf.

        And so, when the owner of a National Basketball Association (NBA) team asks someone close to him not to bring anyone who can be associated with this minefield to sit with him at the games, he is only expressing what Blacks have given billions of people everywhere every reason to feel.

        Keep this Godawful problem the hell away from me.

        To ban the man for saying so, try to take his franchise away, and then bully him unmercifully in the press speaks directly to the threat that this fascist commie government in Washington poses to the rule of law and the despicable propaganda machine it has made of what should be our media. 

        Again, we call for the Obamanation’s impeachment.  His presence in the Oval Office sets the stage for this kind of thing.  As for the perps here, we ban the NBA from these pages for life for conduct going far beyond inhumanity to man.

        We shall not write of these racist scoundrels again.

May 1, 2014

More on that Employee Theft of Your Equity in Coca-Cola

        It has been reported that Warren Buffett is working behind the scenes to ameliorate management efforts to skim shareholder wealth into employee pockets, and the piece at the following link kind of praises him for it:

        We do not.

        What about all the wealth CEO's and them have stolen over the decades since bought-and-paid-for Washington politicians enabled our thoroughly corrupt justice system to turn a blind eye to this kind of employee pilferage effective Jan 1, 1981?  It is NOT compensation, subscribers.  It is stolen property.  Our stolen property.  Yours and mine.

        Take a look at your net worth today, people.  If your family was fully invested in equities on December 31, 1980, double it.  Something like that is the real value of your holdings today.  Only corporate motherf3ck4rs syphoned a lion's share right from under your eyes, and they're now adding that to their family savings, not you.  Triple it maybe, or more, way more if you happened to be overweighted in some big time winners for enough of those years.

        What about that, Warren?  What about that?  The most successful heist in the history of mankind.  And by keeping mum, Buffett should be fingered as an accomplice to the most heinous crime of all time - grand theft stock option.

        For his very public part in this swindle, The Weasel of Omaha, who won't let employees steal equity "compensation" from him but has nothing to say about them doing you and me that way for more than thirty rotten, stinking years, belongs in the slammer too.