
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

March 26, 2014

Vote No at Annual Stockholder Meetings

         We’ve been railing against management theft of shareholder wealth through “stock option” racketeering since the Stockholder Reaming Act of 1980 became law on January 1, 1981.  At long last someone else has joined in.  Wintergreen Advisers’ David Winters picked a fight with Coca-Cola the other day over KO management's staggering heist of 14.2% of KO’s total market capitalization now being pulled off in Atlanta.

         We’re forced to pay the thieving pigs 14.2% of our investment in KO, in devious little bits at a time, solely because the scum running corporate America with both hands in our pockets pay corrupt Washington politicians off with a fat chunk of the booty they're lifting from us, pay the sleaze off to write laws that are blatantly unlawful.

         The pack of them belong in jail.

         Vote no at your annual shareholder meetings this year, subscribers.  No to everything.  No to the creeps running for director.  No to the auditing firm looking the other way.  No to whatever management wants.  And especially no to executive compensation of any kind.  With the hedge fund boys on our side for once, we might get something done.

         Over the past 30 plus years, corporate lowlifes have stolen our entire December 31, 1980 starting capital and then some.  Lowlifes can go live off that pile like the $%#&ing kings of Araby.  Don’t need to get paid squat from here on out.  If they're allowed to keep looting us, every single penny in your wealth management account today will show up in theirs by the time your great grandchildren are getting as pissed about this as MacDougal is.

         JUST VOTE NO.  NO TO EVERYTHING.  Maybe some district attorney somewhere will get the message, and start hauling the crooks in front of a judge.