
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

March 5, 2014


         A piece in yesterday’s New York Jewish Fish Wrapper explains how too-big-to-fail bankers avoid criminal prosecution.  Seems, as we understand it at least, Crime Families are hiring outside lawyers to conduct parallel “internal” investigations whenever the Feds announce one, and then, get this, shielding themselves from government scrutiny with the assertion that all relevant material subpoenaed by Washington is subject to attorney-client privilege, and they DON’T HAVE TO RELEASE A $#%&ING THING.

         Beyond that, it sounds like regulatory snoops routinely take something like three and a half years to start in, letting these lowlifes claim they don’t remember anything anyway.

         Ultimately, lawyers in an administration embracing bribes labeled “political contributions”, especially really big “political contribution” bribes from financial racketeers, are deciding that this lawyer-client privilege is a sacrosanct principle of, well, lawyering, we guess, allowing the $#%&ing arch-villains to remain free to go about their $#%&ing arch-villainy and screw us again.

         And again and again and again.