
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

January 15, 2014

Offshoring Your Portfolio

         Between 1) lavish, politically motivated, "welfare" payola rewarding people in this country for not working and 2) widespread disdain, particularly among our youth, for those who do, what used to be the American labor force has been rendered unemployable in the new world economy.

         Given the quality of motivation, enthusiasm, effort, focus, and loyalty large employers can expect from wage earners elsewhere across the globe, there's no reason to expect jobs will ever return to these shores in significant number.  After the financial apocalypse our President declined to pull us up by our bootstraps with a public works initiative making people work because his lazy, good-for-nothing, fat-a$$ constituency would've run him out of office if he did.

         Offshoring employers noticed.

         Precisely what part Obama’s stranglehold on the nation’s indolent psyche has played in all this remains to be understood.  Clearly, policies designed to buy the votes of idle riffraff, malcontents, and welfare cheats have done more to make our people contemptible in the eyes of others than anything else we’ve read about around here.

         In any event, its resulting devastation to the demand side of our economy appears permanent.  MacDougal continues to recommend that subscribers stick with large cap American multinationals enjoying extensive footprints beyond our borders. These days, buying domestic is like shooting yourself in the financial quality foot.

         And please avoid direct investments in the securities of foreign corporations.  Overseas stock markets have a long history of sopping up American Greenbacks and then pulling the plug.