
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

January 8, 2014

Feds Look the Other Way Again

         Yesterday, the United States Attorney in Manhattan announced that Washington has accepted $1.7 billion from Fallutin National to keep that bank’s staff out of jail for their part in Bernard L. Madoff’s Ponzi scheme.  The bribe, labeled a “fine for felony violations of the Bank Secrecy Act”, shows just how far Federal officials will go to protect Wall Street racketeers, whose political payola greases the machinery that places our Government at the apex of the boundless official corruption running today’s misbegotten sociopolitical culture into the ground.  At least this payola, or what's left of it anyway after legal fees and whatever, will be paid to the victims, who wouldn't have been victimized had someone at Fallutin National told authorities what was really going on at Bernie's house of horrors.  No one did, according to media accounts, because Fallutin was collecting hundreds of millions of dollars from Bernie to help keep the swindler swindling.

         We grieve for all of us who have to live here.