
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

November 7, 2013

World without Jobs

         Secure in the belief that one’s offspring could always find a place in the vibrant American workforce, my generation simply went out and had kids.  Plenty of kids.  All the little ones we wanted, and then some in a few cases that your Post staff won't get into here.  And so did our immediate parentage and progeny.  For the most part, the entire capitalist bloodline serving the great American Greenback was able to depend on the healthiest job market in history to give everyone in the clan a living wage, if he/she wanted one.

         Mournfully, this is no longer so.

         At this moment in time, personal success/failure is so closely tied to capital/nepotism that it’s become scary to think of bringing a child/victim into this career-killing new world of egregious financial racketeering, pervasive automation, corporate treason (see the outsourced American Dream, for starters), and sweeping political corruption.  CEO’s and them, otherwise known as the 1%, are acting on an ever-dwindling need for the rest of humanity, and AI (artificial intelligence) appears on the verge of displacing most of the 99% from any participation at all in the economic lives of the rich and factious.  Unless you’ve got a family-owned enterprise of some kind, are wired into others who do, or have stashed away enough wherewithal to financially empower the heirs as they reach adulthood, for you and yours the American landscape looms ignominiously bleak, likely to ensnare the overwhelming proportion of its peoples into a wretched tragedy of Dickensian proportions.

         We predict that the 1% will retain what will someday be called the 20% as hand servants and courtesans, leaving no need for the remaining 79%, who will be left to rot and perish in an inner city ruled by drug lords freed from incarceration by this lawless President and stockpiled with the only civilian handguns in the whole hope and change country.  Meanwhile, all the little robots will be producing so many goods and services for the 1% and the robots, and so efficiently too, the stock market will shoot up higher and higher, handsomely rewarding the stock option crowd with unimaginable wealth from your fleeced company shares. 

         Remember, CEO’s and them aren’t just picking at your family savings when they skim small sums of your shares into their pockets through “stock options” every year.  The thieving lowlife sleazebags are grabbing your entire starting capital over time - AND PLOTTING YOUR EVENTUAL DEMISE.

         Across the years, as the forces financed by CEO payoffs drive the size of our labor force down to global depression levels and beyond, way beyond, the minimum wage seems likely to transition into something more like the National wage, and the opportunity to even earn that will diminish steadily.  Parents who do not preplan their children’s financial future are throwing babies into an already harsh cruelty that can only get worse as hope and change marches on.

         And some day soon grandparents who only provided for themselves over their lifetimes will be looked upon as letting the rest of the family down.

         So enjoy your grandkids while you can, subscribers.  Blatant Umama and his ilk will have them turning on you before this is all done.