
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

November 14, 2013

Government by Lies

         We’ve encountered his type before.  Silver-tongued commie reprobate doing whatever the dogma dictates without regard to reality, screwing up, as always, and wriggling out of the mess we’re left with through glib and bizarrely inappropriate lip service.  It’s flat-out obvious that his sweet talk doesn’t mean a thing - hollow words never do - but in his own mind, and in those of his belligerent followers, this hardline bully has freed himself to go on ruining the lives of his targeted victims, and will.

         Tragically, a complicit media never holds its golden boys accountable for the awful destruction they routinely leave behind.

         Fast-talking boneheads are the bane of our existence, and yesterday it was made very clear that one of them lives in the White House right now.  He’s the sitting President, for goodness sakes.

         Insurance is a hard-nosed, demanding field, complex as all get out and run by extraordinarily knowledgeable titans of detail possessing the kind of expertise that comes from decades of hands-on experience in a business forcing its participants to do the right thing or perish utterly at the jowls of a deadly pack of bloodthirsty lawyers in the aftermath of the next Cat 5 hurricane/nuclear meltdown/act of war/what have you.

         Nothing a nincompoop community activist and his blissfully thoughtless hangers-on couldn’t master, in the birdbrained opinion of a nincompoop community activist anyway.  Hell-bent on destroying what hard-work has given us, instead of assimilating their lazy, worthless, drugged-out kind into this bountiful capitalist nation, the Umama infestation is stuffing Soviet-style central planning down our throats.  That's right, subscribers, we're getting manhandled into his loser socio-demographic stratum.  The entire population of us in one fell swoop.

         Health provision is the real target here.  The insurance industry only stands in the way.  Clearly, Blatant Umama sees no need to even try to deal with it as anything other than an inconvenience.

         In a few years private medical coverage won’t even be around anymore. Washington will be running the show.

         When the Screw-up in Chief decided it was time to add health care in with all the free stuff that halfwit sycophants of his ilk buy votes with these days, you knew a catastrophe was in the making.  Well, Obamacare caused millions of Americans to lose their health insurance, and yesterday Mr. Unction tried to cover his a$$ by proclaiming that anyone who got cancelled could apply to be renewed for a year.

         A year.  Like that isn’t kicking the can down the road while he tightens his Commie stranglehold on free enterprise.

         Apparently, the profligate dunderhead thinks we’re moving on now.  Somehow we at your MacDougal Post can’t see that happening, and we’re waiting on future developments to reveal what will really be going on with this misbegotten debacle of debacles soon to befall us all.