
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

May 23, 2013

The Quantitative Easing Scam

         Quantitative Easing (QE) refers to Washington’s abhorrent policy of rigging prices in the credit markets by selling bonds to itself.  One arm of the Federal Government, the Treasury Department, credits these securities to its books, while another arm, the Federal Reserve Bank, debits the same paper in its records, transactions that cancel themselves out in arriving at parent company financial statements.  QE lets Washington print oodles of money and crush interest rates at the same time, allowing our failed government to keep running without facing free market rates on the huge debt they amassed by fighting two Republican wars while providing lavish social benefits to Democratic voters at the same time.  QE is paid for by investors who are forced to allocate way too much of their savings to the stock market because they can’t live off the paltry sums Treasuries offer today.  This house of cards will tumble down at some point in the future, but whether or not the inevitable catastrophe will reach the horrific depths of the recent Global Financial Apocalypse is still uncertain.

         Lately we’ve been reading drivel that QE is a stab at trickle down economics, trying to use stock market gains to spark a recovery.  That’s a total crock.  QE is cynical politics at its most despicable, a delaying action designed to keep failed politicians in power by screwing you and me.

         Stop voting for incumbents, we beg of you.  All of them, especially those in what you think of as your own party.  It isn't, and they don’t represent you.  Crooks in the Republican Wing of the Plutocratic Party and crooks in the Democratic Wing of the Plutocratic Party are just telling voters what voters want to hear while Washington enjoys huge paydays from the 1% who own it.