
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

May 21, 2013

Housing Recovery

         A disturbing report out of Phoenix informs us that "Wall Street" has been bidding up the price of abandoned homes across the country, reducing supply by 25-50% while using methods that bully potential homeowners out of the market.  “Investors” have been showing up with cash, offering quotes above asking prices, effectively taking new listings off the market before buyers who have to borrow can get their loan paperwork in – and PRICING EVERYONE ELSE OUT OF THE MARKET.  Housing stocks in former bubblicious metro areas like San Diego, Sacramento, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas have been similarly beset by the crime families.

         Subscribers, it’s all “stock option” money sunk into hedge funds and them.  Our stolen savings will never be deployed to benefit the American economy, only to fuel reckless speculations of the nation's corporate elites, thieving b$st$rds who are taking this country down.

         Every day their wealth and power grows exponentially, and nobody gives a sh!t but Macdougal, so the band just marches on.