
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

December 5, 2011

Nuwrinkle’s Conundrum

Until lately, economists had always listed the primary factors of production as Land, Labor, and Capital.  In recent decades, however, gamed-market capitalists in the United States have succeeded in getting these elements redefined, over the short run at least, as Land, Chinamen, and Capital, and this change has given rise to a puzzling new wrinkle known as Nuwrinkle’s Conundrum.  Put simply, Nuwrinkle’s Conundrum is this:

When you eliminate Labor from the primary factors of production, who do you send the paychecks to?

         There are two sides to any economy:

1)   The Frontside, where Frontside Economists tell us that paychecks turn workers into consumers, who buy stuff; and

2)   The Backside, where somebody makes that stuff; here, Backside Economists like Dibstik Nuwrinkle, former Chairman of the CEO Monetary Abuse Roundtable, have certain Americans firing other Americans to hire Chinamen, which might be all right if certain Americans weren’t sending American paychecks over to Chinamen too.

Americans have to have their paychecks.  Without paychecks, Americans can’t buy what Chinamen produce.

Our political hacks are letting this happen for one simple reason.  Chinamen are bribing them.  Washington movers and shakers have this spectacularly burgeoning debt load on their hands, and need U. S. Greenback Dollars to pay it off with, but we don’t have any.  China has them.  After certain Americans send our paychecks to Chinamen and other Americans buy China’s stuff with whatever’s left, China emails some of that cash back to us in the form of what Backside Economists would like you to believe are investments in U. S. Treasury bonds, notes, and bills.

            Now, Backside Economists are hired by the rich and careless to say whatever the rich and careless want to hear, and what the rich and careless definitely don’t want to hear these days is how our Washington movers and shakers, on the rich and careless payroll too, are taking bribes of Chinese U. S. Greenback Dollars from Chinamen, so Backside Economists fib about it.

Fact is, China isn’t “investing” in U. S. Treasury bonds, notes, and bills at all.  The Orientals are giving the Occidentals revolving grants.  Their Central Government now furnishes our Central Government with much of our costly industrial base, and is bribing our Central Governators to keep this whacky deal going by slipping our Central Governators oodles and oodles of free cash without asking for the kind of interest payments one normally requires when forced to throw money into a fiscal conflagration like we’ve got raging right now.

And our Central Governators need oodles and oodles.  More and more oodles and oodles every day.  More and more oodles and oodles for bizarre Central Government domestic initiatives like financing homes for people who can’t finance homes, more and more oodles and oodles for bizarre Central Government foreign initiatives like shooting at pretty much everybody in the militant religious fanatic sphere of influence except the militant religious fanatic leadership making those people nuts.   And even more and more oodles and oodles for way-over-the-top Central Governator executive compensation packages.

Where all this goes next is even further beyond reason.  To keep themselves in power, overstuffed Washington fat cats have to divert voter attention away from free Chinese U. S. Greenback Dollars and bizarre domestic and foreign initiatives, and come up with something else for the constituency to fret about.

            And that would be Economic Devastation.  Perpetual worldwide cataclysmic Economic Devastation.

Fortunately for overstuffed Washington fat cats, free Chinese U. S. Greenback  Dollars and bizarre domestic and foreign initiatives screw up the global economy so bad nobody can figure out who’s doing it.  Bankers in Iceland get blamed for everything, or the president of Greece, or the consorts of the President of Italy, or the ratings agencies, or some doctor dumb enough to go anywhere near the likes of Michael Jackson and them, and our elected political hacks keep on getting re-elected.

As everybody knows, Chinamen have our jobs.  Not just on the assembly line.  Everywhere.  Bosses and secretaries and shipping clerks and fork lift operators.  Even the guy over in Accounts Receivable.  The one with those polka dot bow ties.  Chinamen have his job too.  And that babe who pulled down her Hanky Pankies and sat on the copier machine, she doesn’t have a copier machine to sit on anymore.  Or a paycheck.  In fact, nobody gets paid at a lot of places these days.  Not here.  Not anymore.  The Chinese have our American jobs and our American paychecks.  And they’re paying off your Congressmen to keep them.  Paying them off with grants.

That’s what’s going on here.

Even worse, should certain Americans stop sending those American paychecks to Chinamen, China could start emailing demands for real market interest on their grants, unleashing a hyperinflation in U. S. Greenback Dollars that would curdle your financial bones.

They’re an inscrutable bunch, these Chinamen.  And us?  Well, I don’t know about me, but you?  Republican or Democrat, you’re a total freaking moron for electing the people who keep letting things like this happen to us.