
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

May 25, 2011

Herman's Gym

    Your blogger recently finished rehabbing a shoulder impingement (subacromial bursitis), and signed up for weight training at Herman‘s Gym, a sporting life style aptly suited for today's tony 70 year-old man.

    You 1) get out of the house, which is probably most of it, and 2) go and hang out somewhere that isn’t the Senior Center.  To top it all off, we push or pull on these weighty space age contraptions, a few times at a time, moving poundages selected by the guy running the place, clearly, in my case, chosen for insurance purposes relating to letting tony 70 year-old men push or pull on weighty space age contraptions; and then everybody gets to sit around doing absolutely nothing for as long as we want until someone decides to push or pull on one of Herman's contraptions again.  If you bring friends, you can talk, otherwise you make new ones and talk anyway.  I think everybody’s there for the same reason (see 1 above), giving married body builders plenty they kind of have to talk about.  Gym guy hands you a sheet showing which contraptions and how many pushes or pulls, so gym rats can manage the in-between times needed to kill an entire afternoon.  Day, if the missus gives you that kind of motivation, apparently.

    Herman lined the walls with full length mirrors, so the best part, for guys anyway, seems to be sitting there and staring at your great big muscles, which I, of course, don't get to do yet as I just started and don't have any.

    Whatever, the treadmills along Herman's longest mirrored wall have these skinny little TV sets on the handlebars so the body builder can watch market news while he walks really fast, or jogs, like some showoffs I know, and just after I coughed up the reasonable Herman’s Thrifty Annual Gym (Free Month) Fee and started really getting into it (see 2 above), something came on the treadmills that was startling news at the gym, and gym guy ran up and everybody dismounted their contraptions and hustled over right after him, and, to make a long story short, they’re about to nail Arnold Schwarzenegger on a multiple love child rap.

    I haven’t been back there since.

    Apparently, there really is something to having too much time on your hands, and your blogger doesn't like what Herman is training him to do with it, as reported to everyone in the whole gym last week on his own dang treadmills.