Born into a Big 5 investment banking family, I quit organized financial racketeering to go straight. MacDougal Irving is my Blogger Protection Identity, and I am a retired Certified Public Accountant and, like all of us, a badly misinformed investor. These are my observations on capital market cons as they were explained to me across the dinner table as a kid.
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........
November 11, 2010
Taped Cell Phone Calls
Bloomberg TV reports that England will start taping trader’s cell phone calls soon. The new regulatory policy is aimed at stopping insider trading, and easily evaded, but, hey, a win is a win, and we‘ll take it. Coming on the heels of Germany’s outright ban of short sales, we find ourselves approaching joyous delerium here at The MacDougal Post.
So much so our blogger’s decided to cut you a break. That’s it for today.
He’ll get back to ragging on next time.
Experience shows that an Oracle needs two martinis a week to see everything. This week it’s going to be three, and The Guru’s already started on that extra.
Party on, valued readers. It’s a gala time to be one of the good guys. Throw a Taped Trader Hoedown yourselves this weekend.
Investor Aside: Lately, an energetic white plume has been rising above Jupiter's cloud tops, possibly heralding the return of the giant planet's missing stripe. We are proud to observe that The MacDougal Post is the first financial blog to chronicle this fortuitous omen. All may be well again soon.