
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

November 5, 2010

News v Propaganda

    Last night, talking heads on GE TV told us that all those jobs we lost in recent decades went overseas because students in something like 40 countries graduate smarter than ours.

    Maybe a month ago, Chinese officials explained that they couldn’t seriously weaken the Renminbi, or the Yuan, or whatever that currency is called, because all their rural poor emigrating into the exploding urban job markets in recent decades would be put out of work.  Officials even showed how big the Chinese manufacturing centers had gotten, and discussed some of the problems caused by the massive relocation of their semi-illiterate, who apparently had to semi-skip their studies to frolic in the family rice paddy before Capitalism showed up.

    Big manufacturing centers.  Really, really big.  Big and cram packed with semi-illiterate rural poor.

    Why do we find ourselves 1) believing what looks, sounds, and feels like actual news coming from a Communist regime dealing with reality in an honest and forthright manner, and 2) rejecting what then becomes corporate propaganda from mob Crime Lords stuffing 75% of the nation’s wealth into their own pockets, up from 35% when those above decades started, while continuing to transfer as much as they can of the rest, in part by leaning on what used to be our media?

    And why isn’t anybody else ranting about this?  Talking heads claimed the education gap is a long term problem and we’d be even more decades catching up.  AND WE’D NOT BE GETTING ANY OF THOSE JOBS BACK until then.

    Guess they are broadcasting to some of the dumbest people in the world.  At least, the gangsters themselves must think so.

    I worked in a plant once.  Sometimes I stood on one side of the furnace plucking powdered-metal gun parts out of a bunch of small boxes and setting them onto the conveyer belt.  Other times I stood on the other side plucking really hot solidified metal gun parts off the conveyer belt and packing them into these great big boxes.

    Face it, that’s what we’re talking about here.  They even had somebody else taking care of the boxes so I couldn’t screw that part up.

    Education gap.  When the gun parts came out of the furnace, I had to remember to wear mittens.  Wasn’t anything else to it.

    How smart does a semi-literate rural poor Chinaman have to be?