
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

August 17, 2010

The Case for Capital Punishment

    During a market crash, investors bullied by Gangland racketeers sometimes opt for suicide rather than live with overwhelming loss. In the aftermath of 2008/09, unemployed breadwinners with no connection to Wall Street whatsoever have followed that lead, putting their families under the gun.  Single moms are snuffing out children’s lives.  Still.

    Yes, this heartbreaking end game is still playing out today.

    Poverty and abject despair have spawned the worst kind of misery for tens of millions of blindsided victims in this nation alone, the number beyond comprehension worldwide.

    Walk our streets anywhere you go, and contemplate the boarded-up homes.  Banks own more residential property than homeowners in far too many towns.

    So many children uprooted from their lives.  Innocent children, happy lives.

    Much that working stiffs managed to save up over entire careers has vanished through the collapsing equity in their homes while Government stooges betrayed our humanity bailing out Crime Families in The City of Broken Dreams.

    We at The MacDougal Post are trying to pass along what we know about short-selling, root cause of the financial evil that befell these times, in ways that illuminate the wise guy’s dark nature, motive, and Government-granted opportunity to bully and defraud. We think our work can be done without bringing on tears.

    Yet, sometimes that makes us feel foolish, shaming our blogger into getting real once in a while.

    Short-selling kills.  How many this go-around, we do not know. Clearly, these are serial offenders though, and they murder men, women, and children indiscriminately, and serial killers deserve a price on their heads.  It’s time for offenses of this nature, crimes against savings or personal income, to be codified as such, and made punishable through harsh sentencing appropriate to the magnitude of all injuries suffered.

    Surely, the kind of sentence triggered by massive mob short-selling should reflect that racket's full toll, including mental disorder, illness, poverty, homelessness, starvation, loss, and death.  Our doom was their crime spree, a Gangland swindle, and now that those horrific months of ruination appear to be abating, someone in this country needs to start counting victims and taking names.

    Turning our eyes away from all the stricken souls does not sit well with God.