
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

August 4, 2017

Sessions Looks at Soetoro's Extortion Racket

     During the Barry Soetoro years, valued subscribers will recall, major financial institutions got strong-armed into making huge settlements with the Justice Department over the remarkable crime of complying with sub-prime loan procedures prescribed by Congressional commies, who had bought votes with free housing for those unable to get a mortgage loan through normal banking procedures.  Announcement of each squeeze always flaunted the preposterous provision that some proceeds were being paid to one pinko organization or another.

     Well, Attorney General Sessions seems to be looking into all that.  Whether he will right those wrongs by refunding the extorted funds and tossing Soetoro and Holder in jail remains to be seen.  At least we're being told of a start: