
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

August 31, 2017

War Is Coming to the Streets of America

     At this point there can be no doubt that Superdonald flew into the Swamp on the wings of Truth, Justice, and the American Way.  Indeed, amidst today's governance by sedition, the Man of Deal looms as a preternatural force, all that stands between your family wealth and the evil communist enemy that our superhero was electorally ordained to keep at bay. 

     But then our valued readers already know all this.  Well, here's a take from that got MacDougal biting his nails all over again, obliging us to pass it along:

August 13, 2017

Charlottesville - Guess Who Wielded Bats

     Black street thugs showed up at the peaceful demonstration toting weapons in order to incite violence.  The link shows how well they succeeded:

August 5, 2017

The Party of Trump

     Our March 8 blog identified what MacDougal coined the "De Facto Party" as the third leg of a brand new three party political system in the U. S., now comprised of De Factos, Republicans, and Democrats, and we asked valued subscribers to let our staff know when others picked up on that obvious turn of events.

     Well, Friday Matthew Continetti climbed aboard, calling the latest entry "the Party of Trump", and we're not going to quibble over the choice of a name.  Here's how he announced it:

     Keep your eye out for further developments as a disgusted electorate has to await future election results to reveal how the Party of Trump is doing.  You're sure not going to glean that information from the propagandists masquerading as media today.

August 4, 2017

Sessions Looks at Soetoro's Extortion Racket

     During the Barry Soetoro years, valued subscribers will recall, major financial institutions got strong-armed into making huge settlements with the Justice Department over the remarkable crime of complying with sub-prime loan procedures prescribed by Congressional commies, who had bought votes with free housing for those unable to get a mortgage loan through normal banking procedures.  Announcement of each squeeze always flaunted the preposterous provision that some proceeds were being paid to one pinko organization or another.

     Well, Attorney General Sessions seems to be looking into all that.  Whether he will right those wrongs by refunding the extorted funds and tossing Soetoro and Holder in jail remains to be seen.  At least we're being told of a start: