Born into a Big 5 investment banking family, I quit organized financial racketeering to go straight. MacDougal Irving is my Blogger Protection Identity, and I am a retired Certified Public Accountant and, like all of us, a badly misinformed investor. These are my observations on capital market cons as they were explained to me across the dinner table as a kid.
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........
November 14, 2017
This Blog Won't Restart Any Time Soon
Here's the big picture:
November 1, 2017
Black Hatred of Whites Turns into Mass Murder in South Africa
They're not even using Muslims to do it for them:
October 27, 2017
UN out, Superdonald in
Muslim persecution of Christians draws our action hero's wrath:
October 13, 2017
Finally, All Becomes Clear
It's like they're Harvey Weinstein, the pack of them, every single one, and we're actresses.
September 1, 2017
August 31, 2017
War Is Coming to the Streets of America
At this point there can be no doubt that Superdonald flew into the Swamp on the wings of Truth, Justice, and the American Way. Indeed, amidst today's governance by sedition, the Man of Deal looms as a preternatural force, all that stands between your family wealth and the evil communist enemy that our superhero was electorally ordained to keep at bay.
But then our valued readers already know all this. Well, here's a take from that got MacDougal biting his nails all over again, obliging us to pass it along:
August 13, 2017
Charlottesville - Guess Who Wielded Bats
Black street thugs showed up at the peaceful demonstration toting weapons in order to incite violence. The link shows how well they succeeded:
August 5, 2017
The Party of Trump
Our March 8 blog identified what MacDougal coined the "De Facto Party" as the third leg of a brand new three party political system in the U. S., now comprised of De Factos, Republicans, and Democrats, and we asked valued subscribers to let our staff know when others picked up on that obvious turn of events.
Well, Friday Matthew Continetti climbed aboard, calling the latest entry "the Party of Trump", and we're not going to quibble over the choice of a name. Here's how he announced it:
Keep your eye out for further developments as a disgusted electorate has to await future election results to reveal how the Party of Trump is doing. You're sure not going to glean that information from the propagandists masquerading as media today.
August 4, 2017
Sessions Looks at Soetoro's Extortion Racket
During the Barry Soetoro years, valued subscribers will recall, major financial institutions got strong-armed into making huge settlements with the Justice Department over the remarkable crime of complying with sub-prime loan procedures prescribed by Congressional commies, who had bought votes with free housing for those unable to get a mortgage loan through normal banking procedures. Announcement of each squeeze always flaunted the preposterous provision that some proceeds were being paid to one pinko organization or another.
Well, Attorney General Sessions seems to be looking into all that. Whether he will right those wrongs by refunding the extorted funds and tossing Soetoro and Holder in jail remains to be seen. At least we're being told of a start:
July 31, 2017
Finally, Women Are Rendered Obsolete
Hurry, make those reservations now before all the flights are booked:
July 12, 2017
July 8, 2017
Linda Sarsour: LOCK HER UP!
A real news website,, targets the real enemy:
June 24, 2017
An Appropriate Take on the Fed
Eons ago, working in an occupation with the word, "Analyst", in our job title, we were struck by the overwhelming volume of peer reports drowning the reader in a litany of items, presumably mostly irrelevant, without any attempt whatsoever to condense ponderous thought down to the core causal factors, most often just one or two, that proper scrutiny will place at the heart of any matter screaming to be analyzed.
Sadly, we can't say much has changed there over the years.
And so, while reading the piece accessed below, exemplary for its clarity and focus, we decided the link had to be passed along to our valued subscribers. When talk of the next bear market comes your way, think Fed. Williams Market Analytics, LLC will tell you what's up with that, and, in their opinion and ours, here's what you need to know; you may not find this stuff expressed as well again:
June 17, 2017
Is Yellen Taking Trump Down?
For one reason, and one reason only, the Fed has made certain that all Treasury securities issued lately paid no-or-low interest rates: to keep Washington communists from facing the consequences of a wild-spending fiscal debauch during the Barry Soetoro years. The interest expense a free market should've charged to cover their execrable deficits would've brought the Federal Government down, and every Marxist in what is laughably still called the "Democratic" Party should've been run out of town for it. Instead, a T-bond market rigged by the Fed has kicked this shitcan down the tollroad, letting insidious political monsters buy votes with free stuff to the point where the capitalist economy has turned dysfunctional.
This week, J. Smellin' Yellin announced that the Fed would start to reduce their Treasury bond holdings some day kinda soon, but left the specifics unspoken so that nobody knows what the huh? she's talking about, including us. A sudden full policy reversal could cause the markets to revisit our guns and butter days, a time that saw interest rates on the long bond approach 20%, which would surely spawn a catastrophic stock market "matter", in the risible parlance of a recent pinko Attorney General.
Since all of Nether Washington is preoccupied with this villainous attempt to defeat Superdonald some day soon, one can't help but wonder about Smellin's intentions. Is she in on the coup detat? Mouthing off again is all it would take to pile on at a strategically opportune moment, and inflict a crippling blow.
In short, add J. Smellin' Yellin and her smarmy pack of Monetary Archfiends to the long, long list of maleficent swamp critters The Man of Deal needs to squish underfoot as our heroic patriot sloshes through muck and mire to deliver on his righteous promise to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
June 10, 2017
Negative Real Interest Rates
Lest we forget where reckless central banking has been taking us:
(A free Seeking Alpha subscription taps the individual investor into helpful knowledge in areas far afield from one's own, particularly through peers with no supply side agenda. Some discrimination is warranted, however.)
(A free Seeking Alpha subscription taps the individual investor into helpful knowledge in areas far afield from one's own, particularly through peers with no supply side agenda. Some discrimination is warranted, however.)
June 9, 2017
Propaganda Machine Endangers Democracy
It's reached the point where paying your monthly cable TV bill has become an act of treason. We urge patriotic Americans to stop supporting this dastardly subversion by cancelling your subscriptions today:
June 3, 2017
Where Did We Go So Wrong?
Dr Ileana Johnson Paugh answers that one and more at this link:
Be sure to consider taking out a free subscription to Canada Free Press, one of the rare sources of real news to be found these days, while you're there.
May 19, 2017
May 9, 2017
Ode to Rigged-Market Interest
Markets always crash, or do they,
When large-cap blue chips borrow for free?
Have central banks found a new way,
To shift risk away from you and me?
- MacDougal Irving
By now the current bull market, so long in the tooth, should've gotten pancaked by chop-blocking short-sellers, but hasn't. This bothersome state of affairs screams out for explanation, and we've been waiting patiently for some brave guru to step up and offer even a remotely plausible one, but none of them have accepted the challenge. Well, to our satisfaction anyway.
Seizing on the "this time is different" conceptual roadblock for a possible reason why, we went there, a politically incorrect place where no market analyst in good standing has ever gone before, owing to the awful likelihood of being laughed out of his/her profession, and thence forever shunned by former colleagues and peers. What we found, however, demands mention - and also delicate couching in terms strongly indicating that it was what we observed but by no means concluded, let alone ended up believing in - unless, of course, said opaque images get turned into reality at some future date, no matter how unlikely that may seem to possibly us and definitely our fellow marketeers at this point in the financial underside of a confounding space-time continuum presently unravelling across the entirety of all 46 states comprising Trump's America.
Getting right to the point, there is a difference this time, and has been for some years now - the utter destruction of our former free market in United States Treasury Bonds. Central bankers have shut down that entire operation to prevent Wall Street from making the Communist Party pay the real cost of Washington runaway spending. Fake news is a topic that at least reaches voters' ears today, fake interest a matter successfully banned from appropriate public discussion by Deep State propagandists.
The existing Federal Government should not exist. Under capitalism, it would've been dismantled a while back, buckling under the crippling weight of financing it's exorbitant ways, and thence taken apart piece by outrageous piece, all guilty parties sent packing by voters, themselves taken to the cleaners by hyperinflation, the inevitable outcome now deferred to another day by gangsters at the Fed.
You don't see different, gurus? I'll give you different. OUR MARKETS HAVE NEVER BEEN MANIPULATED BY COMMUNIST PIGS BEFORE. Now come up with the consequences of that.
Okay, okay, sorry for the rant. What we saw next was scary. A commie trickle-down thing giving large-cap blue-chip corporations interest rates that don't hold their managements financially responsible either. Recently enough in Europe, crazies were actually paying the likes of Coca-Cola money for the privilege of investing in Coke bonds under market conditions called "negative interest rates", meaning CEO's and them could screw up in all kinds of ways, and at that moment in time actually get paid to coat failure with all the financial paper they needed.
Scary part is, this puts public companies in partnership with the pinko government. Why should the stock market fall when there is absolutely no reason to think that large-cap blue-chip managements will ever face the cost of a financial mess ever again? How should markets deal with the risk/reward thing when there is no risk? Crashing does not appear to be one of the options. Unless Trump is planning to change all this by bringing back free markets.
That's what we see at and beyond the "this time is different" conceptual roadblock. Superdonald leaving things alone, no crash ever. The Man of Deal bringing back the old T-Bond market, hang on to your shorts as we get reverted to the days of yore. And sure, the mob at the Fed has hinted at bumping interest rates up if this that and the other thing, or whatever, but nobody has given any indication of 1) bringing Federal spending under control or 2) not dropping interest rates back to zilch or minus if perceived pinko needs be.
And so, you can understand our lament. Where is a real guru when you want one?
April 28, 2017
What's up with ETF Short-Selling?
According to reliable sources, the total investment in exchange-traded funds (ETF's) is about to catch up with the amount invested in active funds, if it hasn't already. There are several issues here, all mind-boggling, but we'd like to draw your attention to just one. What happens when short-sellers jump all over falling ETF prices in the upcoming stock market supernova? With individual companies, total shares outstanding quantify a limit around which our intrepid G-Men at the Securities and Excuses Commission have attempted to draw regulations to at least take a stab at theoretically protecting the basically helpless public from utter destruction during the ensuing criminality. ETF's offer no such metric, in fact, issuing whatever number of shares it takes to keep up with changing demand.
Can Wall Street Crime Families issue that total to themselves on the short side when doomsday arrives? More? How much more? What, exactly, holds the amount of mafia short-selling pressure in check under severe turbulence in an ETF market price? Will expanded arbitrage become a powder keg for the mob? If so, where does that fit in?
This is a brand new factor, criminology fans, short-sellers jumping all over falling ETF prices. Your ETF roster wasn't all that big a factor during the last go-around. Near as we can tell, who among us gets carved up, and how, loom as issues yet to be understood by your journeymen informed investors.
Too bad we'll have no clue until Lollapalooza Investigation Time arrives.
April 18, 2017
Wall Street Crime Families, a Second Opinion
There's only one way to look at the archfiends who've been systematically looting our savings day in and day out for decades now, but all kinds of options can be chosen to describe the view. Here's a link to one our valued subscribers may not have seen before:
March 18, 2017
We Died
You've already received the last of our more-or-less regular pieces. In the face of blatant censorship by hard core commies long labelling themselves as "Democrats" in the fake news, the former MacDougal Post staff didn't feel it would be wise to keep publishing what needs to be written. The Editor-in-Chief can foresee an occasionally break of silence, but right now there's no telling on what.
Adieu, free speech. It was sure nice knowin' ya:
March 8, 2017
Where's the Party?
We've read for some time now that Superdonald drew voters from both major political parties because the American People wanted their swamp drained, jobs returned, wall built, etc., and lately, real news coverage of deep state efforts to basically destroy government in bringing The Man of Deal down can only grow his constituency and solidify his core support even more. On top of all this have been occasional suggestions that the Democratic Party is dead and that legacy Republican politicians will be trounced next time around unless those fuddy-duddies change their tune sometime real soon.
Why then, have we yet to see the obvious anywhere on our PC screens? There's a new party in town, and it's being led by what amounts to a chief cook and bottle washer: Donald Trump, who also just happens to be the dang sitting President of these dang United States of America.
MacDougal coined it the De Facto Party, which will have to do for now, and it's the largest in what's become our brand new three-party political system, comprised of De Factos, Republicans, and Democrats.
Valued readers, whenever you come across early evidence that someone, somewhere, anyone anywhere really, picks up on this obvious turn of events, please let your MacDougal Post staff know. It can get to feeling pretty lonely out here in the head office when you're right all the time, especially if nobody but nobody ever seems to climb on board.
February 15, 2017
The Treason Continuum
If you figured his War against Whites lost momentum when the community organizer left office, think again:
January 28, 2017
California Dreamin'
An organization called YesCalifornia just received approval to gather resident signatures on paperwork needed to put "Calexit" before the state's voters. If these efforts work out, their proposal would be placed on the ballot twice, first as a 2018 fake news referendum, and if that passed, again in a 2019 real news special election. Here's a link to the outfit's home page:
We strongly recommend that people all over the planet get behind what is an absolutely remarkable opportunity for those of us who would remain in this great nation to see our lives so enriched by the blessed event, and urge loyal Americans outside California to encourage all their liberal friends to go away too. An article informs us that cannabis has become La La Land's largest cash crop, so liberals of all stripes will be very happy there, especially the commies and the LGBTs and the BLM street thugs and the fake global cooling/warming climatologists and the gun control nut cases and the Exxon haters and the McDonald's haters and the Coke haters and the Walmart haters and the free stuff entitled and the zero/negative interest rate crowd and the illegal immigrant voting fraud supporters and the Muslim serial killer immigration enablers and the Clinton Foundation fans. Very, very happy, we assure you.
YesCalifornia's website is set up to accept donations of varying amounts from $25 to $2,000, and has a box marked "other" for generous real Americans who just can't spend enough to see the pack of them off. YesCalifornia accepts 1) Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover, 2) bank transfers, and 3) for those of you who like to auction off household appliances that don't work anymore, PayPal. The YesCalifornia donation page is accessed through the following link:
January 27, 2017
January 24, 2017 Article Nails it
David Prentice shares his spot-on view of the leftist narrative:
January 22, 2017
Lock Her Up Too
By using mass media to recruit fellow anarchists into making her dream of blowing up the White House become reality, communist agitator M. L. V. Ciccone should be shipped off to Guantanamo Monday and held without trial as our worst enemies are until the citizens of this nation can be certain her treason has been contained, and then tried as the traitor she has become; simply investigating the monstrous act is just not enough:
January 15, 2017
Massive Communist Indoctrination of University Students
Time to rethink those contributions to the old alma mater, people; what they really support is a pack of hard core Trotskyites working to pry that hard-earned family savings stash out of the hands of capitalist pigs like you.
January 12, 2017
Dump Facebook
As the communist propaganda network widens across social media, reject every step they take:
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