
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

November 27, 2016

No More Bloomington, Indiana

     Due to the ongoing attack on Christ launched by Satanic forces running that evil place, The MacDougal Post no longer recognizes the existence of what used to be called Bloomington, Indiana;  In the future, simply consider this hellish abomination of a geographical location to be included in any nonspecific references our blogger may make to Hades:

November 14, 2016

Dump Mainstream and Go Breitbart

     The problem with our mainstream media is simple; the misleading psychos stopped giving us news years ago to traffick in Liberal delusions.  If you haven't switched over to alternative media yet, here's a sample of what Breitbart has to offer - and the kind of relevancy you've been missing out on:

     SuperDonald is keeping Breitbart mogul, Steve Bannon, on staff for good reason, and you can read why by keeping up with his perceptive outlet daily.

November 12, 2016

Presidential Election Phobias

     Many who found evil incarnate in the Democratic leadership during the Presidential race are now left with awful fears.  That Barry Soetoro will issue an executive order invalidating the voting results and then declare himself still President appears to be the worst of the lot.  Allow us to offer anyone suffering from these kinds of neuroses what seems, historically anyway, a more plausible fixation.

     Nobody elected nobody on November 8.  Those totals only help each of our states select electors for the process that will choose a new President as well as a new Vice President on December 19 in what has come to be called the United States Electoral College.  Most electors are pledged to vote for a specified political party's candidate, however those pledges are not required to be honored, and, according to Wikipedia, there have been 157 instances throughout history where they have not.  In 1836, Virginia's entire 23-man delegation voted against the Vice Presidential candidate they were pledged to, sending his contest to the U. S. Senate, where he was ultimately given the office anyway.

     Coverage of the Clinton Foundation pay-to-play rackets focused on foreign players, but there was domestic payola too.  If any of the U.S. play had to do with Electoral College stuff, SuperDonald could be spending the next four years still luxuriating in his Trump Tower penthouse despite what everybody thinks just happened.  To an arch-criminal mind, the real action has yet to go down.

     December 19, 2016, conspiracy aficionados, December 19, 2016.  By any definition of the term that we can understand, there is no actual United States Electoral College, and electors' ballots will be sent that day from the states to the President of the U.S. Senate, who gets them all tallied up and tells us how it went.

     Those of you who see these pinkos for what they really are may want to mark December 19, 2016 on your calendar and ..................................... wait.

     Oh, about that 1836 guy, the V.P candidate.  Virginia delegation voted against him for having sex with a slave.  If you really want something to get stressed out over, V.P candidate probably had to grab pussy to get there.

November 10, 2016

The Emigrants

     Breitbart listed 16 celebrities who said they'd leave the U. S. if Donald Trump got elected.  These are: Barbara Streisand, Bryan Cranston, Miley Cyrus, Lena Dunham, Amy Schumer, Jon Stewart, Cher, Chelsea Handler, Samuel L. Jackson, Whoopi Goldberg, Neve Campbell, Keeegan-Michael Key, George Lopez, Ne-Yo, Rev. Al Sharpton, Raven-Symone.  Townhall added Barry Diller, Chloe Sevigny, Natasha Lyonne, Eddie Griffin, Spike Lee, Amber Rose, Omari Hardwick, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Katie Hopkins, and we already knew about DeNiro and Rosie.

     Now that Donald Trump is, in fact, heading for the Oval Office, MacDougal Post staff is requesting that our valued subscribers notify us of any relevant developments regarding the names on this list.  Inclusions, deletions, and most importantly, all those new addresses to record.

     Where appropriate, local narcs and them will want to be informed that the Hollywood lifestyle is coming to town.

November 9, 2016

This Week in the Comics


     Truth, Justice, and the American Way spoke out loud and clear on Tuesday as the champion landlord ushered in a trend-setting, upscale new day for his beloved White Man, rendering political corruption, free-stuff diversity, and just plain bad taste, frumpy outfits, and flat-out blood-curdling bad-hair days totally unfashionable from this glorious moment on, sending Scary Eye and Slingin' Willy to the smelly dung heap of History - hopefully for good this time.

     By Wednesday morning, Rosie, DeNiro, and them, seemingly constituting at least the dumber half of Hollywood, were presumably scrambling to find another country goofy enough to let them live in.  Whether or not any of the no-talent hams would make good on vows to leave this one if The Cappuccino Crusader whipped their crooked, lying beeatch, vows noted by former fans all across the birthland, would, of course, be another story.

     Never missing a chance to screw over their customers, the Wall Street Crime Families trashed stocks in pre-hour trading Wednesday, the "two" in one-two punch, which, following nationalization of the U.S. Treasury Bond market orchestrated by Dons on loan to Government during the Financial Apocalypse, was designed to double citizens over with a gut shot for voting to take rigged-market capitalism away from them.

     FBI agents rejoiced at the news of our Man of Deal's great victory more than anybody as G-Men everywhere looked forward to adding the Director's name to whatever they've got going with the Terrible Tandem's illegal shenanigans, truly evil monkey business that the gentleman at Wikileaks has been leaking all over for months now.

     As dawn broke across America, White men everywhere began to feel like they really could HAVE A NICE DAY, smiley and all - if people would just stop saying that all the damn time.  Like everywhere you go, it's HAVE A NICE DAY, SIR, HAVE A NICE DAY, MISTER, HAVE A NICE DAY, BIG GUY, HAVE A NICE DAY, HAVE A NICE DAY, HAVE A NICE DAY, HAVE A NICE DAY, HAVE A .... enough already.  I mean, how much of that can a human being be expected to take anyway?

     Besides, SuperDonald won. Gotta be a SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS day, if ever there was one.

November 5, 2016

Getting Ready to Analyze Election Results

     Voting early, an anonymous staffer observed that polling officials dealing with voting machines at that location were Black.  All of them.  Should this be the case elsewhere in cities across the country, it seems prudent to wonder if Barry Soetoro has managed to extend his war against White Christians into the nation's voting booths - from, it must be noted, her wide-open borders, where Muslim killers are reported to be pouring in unchallenged by staff assigned to administer Soetoro's immigration executive orders.  Then there's the possibility that epic, over-the-top Clintonian criminality may have gotten the voting machine fix in first.

     Should our worst fears be realized, the Post projects that The Donald will win the vote and lose the tally.  Were Trump to grab the W with anything less than a landslide, it would mean that the Soetoro/Clinton axis of evil screwed up something somehow.  Only the huge victory that SuperDonald has earned will convince right-minded Americans that these sneaky little pinkos and their m#^*%+$#^*!%g commie propaganda machine haven't been busting butt to steal the election process that way too.

November 1, 2016

Getting Away From It All

     In case anyone needs this, and it strikes us as likely that, at some point during the epic showdown every sentient American will, if only for a cathartic moment or two or thirty-six hundred or some multiple thereof, The Weather Channel has just promised to cease and desist from polluting their allocation of the beleaguered nation's airwaves with Election Day political coverage from 3 PM to midnight next Tuesday, broadcasting 9 hours of nature scenes instead.

     Don't hesitate to jump all over the only patriotic gesture coming out of our mainstream media since Bush the First vacated the White House to the horrors of Muslim rule by the Black traitor Barry Soetoro - at what could turn out to be the bleakest hour in American history since December 7, 1941 - or the 99 percent's finest moment since V-J Day 1945.

     We will.