
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

April 27, 2016

The Death Throes of Capitalism Revisited

    We read that China is addressing that country's banking catastrophe.  If reports of how this is being done sound familiar, they are.  Think back to 2007/08.  Converting worthless loans into equity and/or repackaging them as securities caused the Financial Apocalypse, from which the civilized world and Iceland have yet to recover.  Apparently, central bankers everywhere have grown comfortable dealing with problem paper this way, sticking private investors with paper rendered worthless by failed public policy.  In China's case, it sounds like government officials will mandate who those investors are.

     Face it, valued subscribers, capitalism has been replaced by pinko money printing here and abroad.  Fiscal irresponsibility at the sovereign level is no longer held in check by the kind of interest rates a free market would punish wild-eyed deficit spenders with just a short decade or so ago.  Anarchy and lawlessness rule, as they have to under the absurdity of a Marxist economic theory that simply doesn't work.

     We continue to believe that the bluest of blue chip corporations are falling under Central Party control across the globe, ergo no longer need a positive balance in the Equity section of their balance sheets, meaning corporate debt will continue to be issued to retire common stock, driving that sector of the stock market higher and higher over time as a dramatically dwindling number of shares outstanding makes gilt edge equities more and more valuable......

     Continue, that is, until the world's central banks own more than 50% of the issues, effectively placing our largest corporations under commie control, after which dividend payments to small investors will eventually be curtailed and ultimately replaced by putting small investors on welfare roles to receive the same kind of checks as everyone else, only smaller than the great big ones Welfare Queens receive as they have more mouths to feed than we do and White males who aren't transgender, or whatever, are hated by everyone involved in the communist takeover, so community activists and them can't wait to totally screw us over.