
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

November 24, 2015

Negative Interest Rates Draw Nigh, Say Crazies at the Fed

     Prepare to 1) close all conventional U.S. Dollar bank accounts, 2) sell all fixed income paper (i.e. bonds) denominated in that soon-to-be impaired currency, and 3) transfer all your assets into prodigal credit card debt, large-cap blue-chip stocks, gold, and selected foreign currency accounts - if you can find any selected foreign currencies that aren't being thrown under the same bus;  what this author references as an Alice in Wonderland Market will surely turn out to be the Looney Tunes Global Economy after all that's been said gets, God help us, actually done:

     Th-th-th-that's all, folks.

November 23, 2015

The 'F*ck You, You Filthy White F*cks' Movement

     Going back to their movement's roots, protesters are finally putting into words what their 'Black Lives Matter' fiction has always been all about, presented here because the mainstream media doesn't seem to be covering that part of the story:  

November 20, 2015

Muslim World's Man of the Year

     For his efforts to help jihadists "act on beliefs sanctified by 14 centuries of religious precept and example, particularly that of Mohammed himself, who said very clearly, 'I was ordered to fight all men until they say there is no god but Allah,'" Commander-in-Chief Barry Soetoro has been awarded our coveted Muslim World's Man of the Year Award.

     In lieu of an acceptance speech, which one assumes will not be forthcoming, we offer the following piece by Bruce Thornton, a slice of which is quoted above:

November 19, 2015

Russia Takes on the Muslim War Machine

     Struggling through their rhetoric, one inevitably concludes that, to the Muslim enemy, "infidel" means anyone who isn't one of them.  That aligns us with the peoples of places like Russia, China, and North Korea in this thing whether we want to be or not.

     Before you freak out, there's a good side here.  Enlightened in areas where our leadership appears grossly weak and disadvantaged to the amoral enemy, these commies, or former commies or whatever they are, can take the battle to places we will not go.  While making up your mind about such an off-the-wall development, you may want to consider this report as one of countless positive examples, almost all of which would, or will, never reach your eyes:

November 16, 2015

Segregation as Part of the Answer

     America has lost her way.  Tapping into Fred Reed's thinking,  one might propose a three-step solution to finding it once again:

  1) return her outsourced jobs,
  2) restore her free market in U.S. Treasury Bonds,
  3) reestablish segregation, "de facto, tacitly encouraged, mutually accepted segregation", to quote Fred, "wherever practical - universities, schools, police forces, maybe the military, and housing".

     Here's the link to the former mainstream journalist's persuasive words, from the first truthful perspective we've encountered on this subject lately, a pithy, no-punches-pulled exposition that got MacDougal more than half-convinced we should go ahead and add that third step right in with ours:

November 13, 2015


     Taking their cue from the Community-Activist-in-Chief, who all too recently fomented this kind of insurrection by leading the now ongoing seditious attack against white police officers, students across the country are currently bullying white college administrators and staff out of office by threatening to riot if their victimized targets don't quit, and are succeeding due to 1) an absence of specificity in their charges, 2) unabashed contempt for the legal process, and 3) a pack of corrupt talking heads falling all over themselves to support anything that smacks of followthrough on Barry Soetoro's racial bias against our nation's majority white population.

     We call for patriotic Americans everywhere to follow MacDougal Irving and stop watching television.  Start getting your news exclusively from fair and unbiased internet sources like the Fox News website.  To help get you launched, here's their coverage of the ugly matter at hand:

November 10, 2015

The United Socialist States of America

     We've been pointing this out for some time now: the Fed's seizure of the US Treasury Bond Market was an act of communism, utterly destroying capitalist activity in that arena.  Meanwhile, keen-eyed subscribers may have noticed that many observers believe our monetary politburo was simply following Japan's lead, a point we saw no reason to bring up.

     Until now.

     Japan's central bank has since gone on to buy up 50% of that nation's exchange traded funds, and is now reported to be looking at purchasing shares in public companies.  51% of that market would give them voting control, in effect, communist governance over corporate Japan.

     Peter Schiff gives us the skinny here:|finance|inline|story|story&par=yahoo&doc=103144382

   God help us, when - and how - will it all end?

November 4, 2015

News Media Reports Actual News

     For the first time in what seems like decades now, sources like Reuters and CNBC and The Seattle Times are reporting news instead of left wing communist disinformation, specifically that the girls and boys at the Federal Reserve Bank are keeping interest rates low "to help Obama".  Propagandists are only telling us this to quote the great Donald Trump, but, hey, that's a start.  If seeing and hearing truth instead of hogwash for once shocks the dickens out of you, valued subscriber, you're not alone.

     It's probably too much to hope for, but maybe investigative journalists will investigate journalists now to see why the pack of them completely missed that totally obvious reality for so many, many years.

     Here, have a look see:


November 3, 2015

Alert for High School Freshman Boys

     The Barry Soetoro Department of Education has just ordered high schools to allow transgender students into the girl's locker room.  We recommend that all male freshmen declare themselves to be transgender before the courts strike this gift down, and take advantage of the situation while it lasts.  Some of you* will see more action in the upcoming days or hours than you'll get in the next four years, and everybody can go ahead and undeclare once the eye feast is over.

     *You know who you are.