Born into a Big 5 investment banking family, I quit organized financial racketeering to go straight. MacDougal Irving is my Blogger Protection Identity, and I am a retired Certified Public Accountant and, like all of us, a badly misinformed investor. These are my observations on capital market cons as they were explained to me across the dinner table as a kid.
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........
October 26, 2015
Required Reading
Placing the financial side of our economy in the grip of central planning after destroying the free market in Treasury bonds some years ago, our Monetary Politburo at the Federal Reserve Bank has been forcing totalitarian communism on the American people ever since. Here, the author declines to go quite there while offering his take on the hows and whys of some of this for us - and for much of the rest of the world too; his vantage point offers an informative view:
October 18, 2015
What's up with Negative Interest Rates?
First of all, the Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) is not what it says it is. All they do over there is step out onto a playing field set by fiscal policy, and cope with the game forced upon them, or try to. These days, Barry Soetoro runs around spending money like a drunken sailor, so monetary girls and boys have to slog behind and cover the tabs he's run up. And not much else, we're afraid.
Their totalitarian seizure of the treasury bond market, disinforming the public with deceptive terms like "QE" this and that, has been the recent method of choice, meaning Communist Dictator Barry isn't kept in check by onerously high interest rates that free-markets once used to chop-block the capitalism-abiding presidents of the past when they got out of line. The Fed's monetary politburo has seen to that, talking heads and them refuse to look in that direction, and the nincompoop electorate, dumbed down by an education system designed to keep the worst among us thinking he/she isn't actually a worthless piece of sh!t, doesn't know what to make of anything unless f#ck!ng Hollywood or somebody spells it out for them.
Second of all, our one and only economic problem, the mess Wandering-Willy Clinton left us with way back when, still goes unaddressed and unacknowledged by pretty much everyone in public life but the great Donald Trump. You can't demolish the demand side of the domestic economy by sending all those high-paying blue collar jobs to other countries, driving down the need for all those lost white-collar supervisory, management, and labor union jobs, obliterating all the multi-collared support jobs in the surrounding infrastructure and beyond, and expect aggregate buying power to hold up as if there's nothing f#ck1ng wrong with this.
Given both points, it's easy to understand why monetary stuff has been nothing but a total failure for years on end. Barry's still throwing the next generation's money away and Wandering-Willy's "outsourced" jobs never came home.
Now the Fed's next pathetic effort could be popping up over the storm-tossed monetary horizon: negative f#ck!ng interest rates. And why not? They've never been tried before. Not in anything resembling a full-blown attempt in a failing first world economy, they haven't. Sounds like just the kind of thing American commies look for, based on the recent record: a f#ck&d-up stab in the f#ck!ng dark.
To us, negative rates would mean we pay the bank to hold our money, instead of the other way around, which is what we're used to. Current chatter has negative rates limited to bank payments to the Fed, another wretched idea, owing to the absurdity of thinking anything positive can be done without 1) taking Barry's credit cards away and 2) bringing those lost jobs back. And if the bank/Fed negative interest rate thing doesn't throw us into a total depression, is there anyone out there who doesn't think Big Brother will be making you and us pay our banks neg rates next?
Thing is, nobody has any idea what the ramifications are. There's no history. Thinking through this, giving it lengthy consideration, neither do we. Holding cash for us is a service, but historically, banks haven't had to charge the public for it because 1) they were able to make money loaning our balances out and 2) they competed for our money. That all ended once banks started selling their loans to third parties. And, larger customers have always had to pay for banking through things like compensating balances.
Beyond that, we can't help you out. Where it would all end is anyone's guess at this point. However, why someone would even think about going there, basically deep into some theoretical abyss - instead of facing up to the realities raised here, consequences of past ill-considered government action - is very disturbing indeed.
October 17, 2015
California Baby Killers Ban Orcas from Having Sex at Sea World
Demon-spawned Liberal fiends in the nether world of California, who relish their right to kill their own babies through cold-blooded clinical "abortion", their name for murder, the cadaverous practice that has massacred an estimated 58 million human beings in the USA since the Supreme Court decided to look the other way in 1973 and let these monsters call an innocent little victim "fetal tissue" instead of cutie pie, are now prohibiting sex between consenting Orcas at SeaWorld, explaining that 1) their captivity is, get this, inhuman and 2) there's a "regulatory vacuum" there somewhere that Liberal serial baby killers have the Satan-given right to creep into.
SeaWorld had applied for a permit from the California Coastal Commission to build bigger tanks for their Orcas, and commissioners took this as an opportunity to ban the park from 1) keeping males and females together and 2) adding new killer whales to their population.
Earlier this year Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey announced that their circus will retire touring elephants by 2018, caving in to claims of animal abuse there.
According to news reports, victors are out whooping it up. Apparently it's a good time to be an animal-loving serial baby killer in America these days.
October 15, 2015
The Assassin
It's not about Muslim-reared President Barry Soetoro's failure to defend Christianity in the Muslim Wars, spectacular defeat after spectacular defeat spreading a smothering enemy infrastructure across Europe and now onto our shores, carrying with it the military dogma that breeds Muslim soldiers for their so-called "terrorist" hordes. Or even the similarly accommodative no-boots-on-the-ground dereliction of Presidential duty. Those are a whole other thing.
It's about national policy.
Presidents of the United States are going around assassinating people. This guy is just the latest in the line, and we'll be electing another hit man soon. This President of the United States has been using drones "to hunt down and kill the people his administration has deemed - through secretive processes, without indictment or trial - worthy of execution". Drones, the weapon of choice these days, have added a Hollywood touch, probably the only reason we're hearing about this at all.
The President of the United States, people. That makes these killings political. Not military, POLITICAL. Political killings, and there are no plans to ever place the decision in military hands.
WTF, WTF, WTF, WTF, W... T... F... WTF?
Here's the skinny, apparently from sources who would make Edward Snowden proud:
October 9, 2015
Average Pay: Feds $119,934, Private Sector $67,246
Rending capitalism asunder with his/her signature weapon, the crushing onslaught of stifling Federal regulation, our typical power-mongering bureaucrat in Washington rewards himself/herself handsomely with an over-the-top compensation package befitting this elite's success at destroying the economic fabric that used to be America.
And the transition to Marxist communism marches on ....
And the transition to Marxist communism marches on ....
October 6, 2015
A Breath of Fresh Air from Treasury Secretary Icahn
For his Secretary of the Treasury, Donald Trump has chosen another overachieving billionaire. Below, Carl Icahn, a man who can look at today's market valuations, tell us, "half of that's bullshit", and then explain why, touches on our favorite topic when it comes to criminal malfeasance in government: those bubble-making ramifications inherent in the Fed's zero interest rate policy, which, in robbing today's investors of safe income, has pushed the naive little guy into doomed junk bond products offered by well-known money managers so that Washington liberals can kick the free-market cost of their wild-spending ways on down the rocky road of Dire Consequences.
And there's more too. Much more. Listen up, subscribers, and get to know the man who'll pull us out of all kinds of bullshit - if we can just find it in our hearts to give a bawdy guy a chance.
October 4, 2015
Democratic Party in 2016 - Dysfunction on Steroids
While whats-her-name, Monica Lewinsky's rival for our 42nd President's unnatural sexual urges in and about the Oval Office, is out on the campaign trail championing gay this and gay that and gay these other things too, the 44th President, Barry Soetoro, bullies anyone standing in his way to (singlehandedly) place 100,000 foreign Muslims a year into American cities (that the birthplace-challenged, debatably-Muslim despot chooses).
Hey gays, Muslims throw you guys off rooftops. Why on earth would people who are about to die, historically speaking anyway, support a political party that's bringing in the people who'll kill them. Gays, at least check out the list of cities provided in the second link below, and if you're living in one, clear out fast.
You may want to consider heading back into the closet too. In this country, 100,000 of one matter has a curious way of easing on into 1,000,000 of another sort of similar matter and then, before you know it, 10,000,000 of this further related matter pops up too. With your help at election time, that kind of algorithm is likely to play out faster than you think.
If they don't know who you are, they can't throw you off a rooftop.
(NOTE: we did not watch the Muslim-released video below, and if readers want to view actual gays getting tossed off actual rooftops by actual Muslims and then stoned by more actual Muslims hurling actual stones, no one at The MacDougal Post wants to even hear about it.)
Hey gays, Muslims throw you guys off rooftops. Why on earth would people who are about to die, historically speaking anyway, support a political party that's bringing in the people who'll kill them. Gays, at least check out the list of cities provided in the second link below, and if you're living in one, clear out fast.
You may want to consider heading back into the closet too. In this country, 100,000 of one matter has a curious way of easing on into 1,000,000 of another sort of similar matter and then, before you know it, 10,000,000 of this further related matter pops up too. With your help at election time, that kind of algorithm is likely to play out faster than you think.
If they don't know who you are, they can't throw you off a rooftop.
(NOTE: we did not watch the Muslim-released video below, and if readers want to view actual gays getting tossed off actual rooftops by actual Muslims and then stoned by more actual Muslims hurling actual stones, no one at The MacDougal Post wants to even hear about it.)
October 2, 2015
Impeach, Impeach, Impeach - Which Word Don't You Understand, America?
Paring military
expenditures for funds needed to maintain the royal living standards of his
Welfare Queens, reported to be pulling down $75,000 a year from government
these days compared to the take-home pay of $40 something thou scraped together by the average blue collar working family, Muslim-reared Barry Soetoro has attempted to wage the Muslim
Wars without American combat boots on the ground, placing 40,000 soldiers and 17,000 Army civilian workers on unemployment this year in the process, for goodness sakes. As pretty much everyone else on the entire
planet anticipated, this has worked out pretty good for Muslims but not too well for:
1) Jews (google Benjamin Netanyahu),
2) Christians*, or
3) Judeo-Christian America.
Knowing what pathetic means when he spots it, Vladimir Putin has now jumped all over the resulting
leadership vacuum to step in and do the right thing, saving Syria for the world with bombs AND boots on the ground, and he's doing it with allies too.
How much shinola
do we have to put up with before the word, impeachment, starts to pop up
somewhere else than here?
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