
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

September 30, 2015

Side Armor Left off Armored Vehicles Given to Muslim Ally Fighting Muslim Enemy

     In what a video caption labels "Admin's strategy to support anti-ISIS coalition falls short", dozens of deliberately defective U.S. mine-resistant ambush-protected vehicles (MRAPs) have been shipped to allied Muslim combat units fighting for us in one of the losing No-American-Boots-on-the-Ground campaigns being waged against mounting worldwide enemy Muslim forces by Barry Soetoro.  These curiously-vulnerable sitting ducks protect against land mines and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) detonating underneath them, but not rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) attacks from the side.  This comes at a point in the Muslim Wars when enemy Muslims have overrun Syrian armories, helping themselves to stockpiled Russian-made RPG 29s capable of slicing through the side of an unprotected MRAP "like it was a sardine can", as one former Army Special Forces vet put it.

     Muslim allies believe that the side plates in question were left off because "the U.S. government is concerned their armor plate technology could fall into Iranian hands", the vet added, a point "not disputed by U.S, officials in Washington", according to Fox News - and possibly helping to explain why Russia has been cuddling up with some of these players all of a sudden.  Here's the scoop:

September 26, 2015

US-Trained Muslim Military Unit Hands over 25% of its US-Issued Equipment to Muslim Enemy

     In a development many saw as inevitable, American military assets can now be used to kill American troops as part of the longstanding Barry Soetoro national defense debacle.  It appears this Muslim fathered, Muslim-reared, White-bashing-church regular, already charged with dereliction of his duty as Commander-in-Chief by a slew of patriotic US military heroes, is now faced with the inconvenient truth that this probably-African-born, former Indonesian foreign-aid student has given tangible aid to the Muslim enemy.

     We call for the immediate implementation of a government program to count losses resulting from the use of this equipment, identify the deaths and casualties by nationality, and report those statistics to the American people.

     Here's the relevant link:

September 16, 2015

The 100-Year Bond

     Bonds maturing a century from issuance have been around for a while, and there are a bunch of them.  Walt Disney and Coca-Cola debuted the idea in 1993, and over the years those names were joined by the likes of IBM, JCPenny, Ford, BellSouth, Norfolk Southern, MIT, and Boston University.  This year, Mexico and Petrobas followed suit.  While totally understanding why any debtor would love to issue 100-year bonds, we've occasionally wondered what kind of nut case could possibly want to buy one.

     Lets say the fruitcake drops $10,000 on a century bond yielding 6%.  He'll get paid $300 in interest twice a year for 100 years, and receive $10,000 in principal on maturity.  Well, his heirs will.  Or theirs.  Maybe.  Lets just assume somebody in the fruitcake family receives it, all right?  Anyway, what are the pack of them actually getting from the entire 100-year bond investment?

     As it happens, $30 turns out to be the approximate price of our favorite 12" stuffed Chicago-style pizza at a popular pizza joint here in the extended neighborhood.  (We actually tend toward Tony's Italian Deli at the moment, but Tony's relevant large pie is way less expensive so the Chicago-style numbers work out better for this example).  The $30 pizza we're talking about is the Heart Attack Special.  It comes with sausage, pepperoni, prosciutto, roast beef, and extra cheese, and "due to the immense depth ... will take a few extra minutes", which explains the thirty bucks, including sales tax.  Our example excludes tip because we always do take-out with local pizza.

     Ergo, that $300 coming in semi-annually from the century bond covers 10 Heart Attack Specials over the six months funded by the first payment.  Only that's today.  What about tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow?  There's that dimly distant maturity date and all those intervening tomorrows.  What about them, huh?

     Forget the intervening tomorrows.  Once you hear about the last one and that accompanying $10,000 payment on maturity, you won't care about the intervening tomorrows.

     In a study done a couple years ago, somebody concluded that 100 years of inflation increased prices by somewhat more than 2,000% over the century ending about now.  Turning that into 2,100%, we find that Heart Attack Specials at our popular extended-neighborhood pizza joint would cost $630 apiece in the year 2115 under the same inflationary conditions.  And the fruitcake family, still receiving $300 twice a year from their century bond, will have to save up both semi-annual payments and add $30 to buy one Heart Attack Special a year, and, get this, that $10,000 principal payment will only snag them 16 more - if they throw in another hundred.

     In contrast, a starting investment of $10,000 in the common stock of an issue that keeps up with our 2,100% inflation assumption would be worth $210,000 after 100 years.  A 6% return on that investment will have risen to $12,600 in annual dividend payments for the common stock investor that year, treating that enlightened family to the century-after-century of Heart Attack Special enjoyment their investment acumen warrants.

     Analysis over.

     Now for who'd want to buy into this train wreck.  Lets assume that the 100-year old bond is a con, and start with the one obvious person of interest - the Wall Street mafioso who'll open a book, take the short side, and dump all the risk in that book on his clients.  The guy who calls victims "counterparties" to make his crooked ways sound legit.

     And if a con, that would bring us down to this guy's suckers.  There's absolutely no way these things would reach market without them - if we're talking about a con.  Suckers are easy to spot.  They're the clients being led around by the nose.  To us then, the whole sordid crime would be lying out in plain sight.  If we had any securities law enforcement, they'd simply grab the book, finger the perps on the short side, ID everyone getting pulled around by the nose, thereby uncovering the fraud pulled on all those victimized counterparties, and take appropriate action.

     If we had any securities law enforcement.  And if the 100-year old bond is a con.

     Just saying ...........


Poor Product Safety Tied to the Looting of Shareholder Savings

     The swindle commonly misnamed "stock option(s)" allows CEO's and them to pilfer small amounts of shareholder savings each and every year so that the culprits can end up pocketing every dime originally invested by public owners after decades of "stock option" sleight-of-hand racketeering.  The amounts stolen typically comprise a significant slice of one's family savings, particularly huge when related to the sum that would otherwise be handed to one's grandchildren and great-grandchildren when God finally lets the beleaguered investor out of here.  Instead, that missing portion of your money gets flat-out stolen by a new class of purse-snatchers that has curiously come to be misnamed the "1%" instead of "you m$th#rf&ck!ng crooks".

     "Stock options" have nothing to do with executive compensation because they're not paid out of corporate income.  It's all our money.  All of it.  Every single ripped-off penny.

     The scam was enabled by Washington through legislation that became effective January 1, 1981.  Prior to that day, crooks pulling the same con would've been tossed in jail for grand larceny.  Now Congress belongs in there with them.

     Recently, some academics have concluded that the kind of low-life, thieving b#st#rd heavily involved in this sordid criminal activity gives less of a sh!t about product safety than counterparts who aren't fleecing shareholders quite as much.

     How eggheads can keep coming up with more wrong directions to look in never ceases to confound us.  What about our stolen family savings, you blathering imbeciles?

     Whatever, here's the link.  Valued subscribers may be interested in seeing how the nitwits phrase their obfuscation, and we do suppose it's at least a little bit relevant.  Somehow.  Maybe.  And we are indebted to our offshore stringer for passing it along.  Trying mostly to pi$$ MacDougal off, he comes up with great stuff.

September 10, 2015

Injustice Department Acknowledges What We've Been Telling You All Along - Nobody There Prosecutes the Bigtime Financial Criminal

     Fining innocent shareholders billions and billions of dollars while charging zero high-muckety-muck perps with absolutely nothing at all has been the hallmark of criminal prosecution at the federal level when it comes to financial wrongdoing.  Do the Wall Street crime and nobody does the time is the message Injustice Department malpractice has been spreading far and wide ever since we can remember.

     And so, when an Injustice mouthpiece announces that all this is about to change, excuse us for casting a jaded eye upon her pathetic little peace offering.  For starters, note that what you're about to read came out in a cozy chat presumably with NYU law school wannabes - NOT IN A REAL COURTROOM with real lawyers and real judges and definitely not as part of any real federal crackdown on any real people or any real criminal activity by CEO's or anybody else who's been ripping us off for decades.

     "Effective immediately, we have revised our policy guidance to require that if a company wants any credit for cooperation, any credit at all, it must identify all individuals involved in the wrongdoing, regardless of their position, status or seniority in the company, and provide all relevant facts about their miscounduct", so Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates jawboned in remarks that gave no mention of refunds to wrongfully fined innocent shareholders, whose investments are still suffering from their liability to that kind of thing from Sally Yates and her ilk as well as everything else the Barry Soetoro White House has done to destroy American capitalism.  Nor did her paltry, pandering claptrap SEND ANYBODY TO JAIL.  Anybody at all.

     So Washington can take this acknowledgement of flagrant misdoing, an obscene insult to everyone who's ever been swindled by the Wall Street Mafia - all the godzillions of us who never actually went ahead and jumped out of the building in the horrible aftermath of those sundry cataclysmic events wreaking havoc on our family savings over the years - take it and shove it where the sun don't shine, which is pretty much anywhere sleazebag bureaucrats prowl.

     Goddam it, Injustice, show us the beef.

     Whatever, here's the dumb link:

September 9, 2015

We Are Led by Very, Very Stupid People

     We hail the prospects of The Donald 1) reversing those catastrophically destructive strong dollar policies of our Communist leadership in Washington while 2) extracting us from their deliberately suicidal job obliteration treaties and 3) restoring testosterone to the limp, pussified military that is all theirs too, the pernicious b#st#rds. These kinds of sovereign infrastructure reforms, however, may pale in comparison with this great American's success in reeducating the electorate on the nature of the ruling calamities that have befallen us and why they constitute nothing less than deliberate treason at the hands of those perps responsible.

     Here's the latest from our hero landlord, words that have driven us to make a pledge that would've seemed impossible to contemplate a few short weeks ago - should this fecund mouth eventually pair up with Sarah Palin's, surely forming the most adorable couple in politics ever, MacDougal will go back to watching television again:

September 1, 2015

Black President "Started This War" on White Police

     Connecting what he called the "black lies matter" movement to the assassination of Harris County Deputy Sheriff Darren Goforth in suburban Houston, Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. fingered the President of the United States as what we interpret to mean a participant in the execution-style slaying, pointing out that Barry Soetoro, himself, had "started this war on police" with the help of Injustice Department flunky, whats-his-name.

     While a contagion of officer-down calls breaks out across the nation, one in Fox Lake, Illinois just this morning, the dearth of impeachment action is difficult to understand.

     Here's one link to the Sheriff Clarke coverage: