
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

May 20, 2015

Crime and Punishment, USA

     In its latest attack on capitalism, the Dark Side used the U.S. Department of Injustice to hit today's shareholders of JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Barclays, Royal Bank of Scotland, and UBS for $5.4 billion in hush money over the rigging of spot prices in the Dollar and the Euro, having the effect of 1) punishing innocent investors for holding common stocks of too-big-to-fail financial behemoths years after the alleged market manipulation went down, while at the same time 2) keeping financial Dons atop apparently criminal enterprises out of the slammer to make more "political contributions" to Washington.  The above giants admitted institutional, but not personal, guilt, and Bank of America was also fined, but avoided making any guilty plea at all.  This latest round of currency racketeering enforcement brings bribes collected to a staggering $10 billion and top level Crime Lords fingered, let alone incarcerated, to an equally staggering 0, and, get this, the U.S. Securities and Excuses Commission is reported to have actually given waivers to all the institutions pleading guilty that let them continue conducting business as usual in their securities operations.

     Keeping in line with the G-man policy of punishing the little guy, who is incapable of spreading obscene amounts of payola around the nation's capital, eight Barclays traders have been fired, four by the bank and another four under orders from a New York State banking regulator.  No other personnel actions were mentioned.

     And injustice is served once again.