
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

May 30, 2015

Finally, a Raghead Gets What's Coming to Him

     In what MacDougal hopes will turn into a landmark, trend-setting act of defensive warfare, a Christian patriot somewhere, and anywhere was fine, has been reported to have beheaded a muslim pig; lets hope the tactic morphs into strategy and slashes off thousands of oinker coconuts per day.  We've been unable to locate the original AFP piece, likely written in French, so here are links to two sources, both credible folk who could well parley voo:

May 28, 2015

And the Free Stuff Party Wants to Make Her President

     In what appears to be the mother of all pay-to-play schemes, a recent International Business Times piece tells us that Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, authorized $165 billion in weapons sales and another $151 billion in Pentagon-brokered deals to foreign interests making contributions to her family's Clinton Foundation totaling somewhere between $54 million and $141 million.  Read on:

May 20, 2015

Crime and Punishment, USA

     In its latest attack on capitalism, the Dark Side used the U.S. Department of Injustice to hit today's shareholders of JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Barclays, Royal Bank of Scotland, and UBS for $5.4 billion in hush money over the rigging of spot prices in the Dollar and the Euro, having the effect of 1) punishing innocent investors for holding common stocks of too-big-to-fail financial behemoths years after the alleged market manipulation went down, while at the same time 2) keeping financial Dons atop apparently criminal enterprises out of the slammer to make more "political contributions" to Washington.  The above giants admitted institutional, but not personal, guilt, and Bank of America was also fined, but avoided making any guilty plea at all.  This latest round of currency racketeering enforcement brings bribes collected to a staggering $10 billion and top level Crime Lords fingered, let alone incarcerated, to an equally staggering 0, and, get this, the U.S. Securities and Excuses Commission is reported to have actually given waivers to all the institutions pleading guilty that let them continue conducting business as usual in their securities operations.

     Keeping in line with the G-man policy of punishing the little guy, who is incapable of spreading obscene amounts of payola around the nation's capital, eight Barclays traders have been fired, four by the bank and another four under orders from a New York State banking regulator.  No other personnel actions were mentioned.

     And injustice is served once again.

May 19, 2015

Truth from Australia

     There's a bit of a to-do breaking out down under.  Seems a government official has taken to using an appropriate label, climate scare, to describe what's going on with the "global warming" bully boys, AND his perspective, including the part about catastrophists scaring schoolchildren with their scheming commie-minded ways, is getting picked up by the mainstream media there.  Googling this long-overdue brouhaha, subscribers may want to prepare themselves.  Seeing reality pop up in everyday news coverage comes as a bit of a shocker.

     Here's the U.S. link that drew us into the fray:

May 13, 2015

Trade Wars Begin at Home

     The Democratic Party has been selling the nation down the river for years now with what they mislabel as "trade agreements", binding international treaties enabling corporate suits to fire Americans and replace them with cheap foreign labor.  These ill-conceived swindles, which should be called "massive American job obliteration pacts", have succeeded in gutting the demand side of our economy to the point where the whole ball of wax has become dysfunctional, a key goal for Washington destuctionists, who seek to tighten commie-minded control by tearing us apart and then blaming capitalism for everything they've done to accomplish that.

     We read of recent developments here with great interest.  Apparently, labor leaders, who'd also be out of work if the pinkos were to win, have finally taken issue with the Trotskyite-in-Chief over his latest plan to eviscerate what's left of our employed working force with more massive American job obliteration pacts.  MacDougal holds Labor in high regard.  Without unions, our lost Middle Class, which no longer exists, would never have received the income needed to make this formerly great nation what it once was.

     The MacDougal Post applauds their current stand.  Restoring an effective balance between labor, management, and investor interests should be one of our foremost political objectives, second only to 1) eliminating the Muslim threat here and abroad, particularly over in Western Europe and 2) kicking CEO's and them in the financial nuts for looting shareholder savings with their illegal "stock option" racketeering.

     Fight on, union execs.  A win here would further shareholder interests against CEO's who've bribed their way into an absurd position in a world that's now run by the hired help, for goodness sakes, to the detriment of ownership interests everywhere, including our subscriber's wealth management accounts.  

May 9, 2015

America Is Being Taken Down

     The nation is at war, and there are people who feel it's being waged against us by a destructionist President who's considered a traitor and a jihadist.  They need to be heard:

May 1, 2015

Skimming Shareholder Savings - Media Coverage in 2015

     Systematic pilferage of investor savings, the sole reason why the filthy rich have grown so much richer since 1981 and are now thought of as so much filthier, has gone unacknowledged, hence unpunished, for thirty-four years and counting.  At the time of legislative enablement, these criminal transactions were given two deceptive tags: 1) stock options, which isn't even close to "scammers skimming stockholder ownership interest into scammer pockets, where pilferage becomes staggering booty because there are so many victimized shareholders and so few thieving scammers", the MacDougal Post definition of what's going on here, and 2) employee compensation, which doesn't even begin to cover the theft or the stolen property these crooks end up with.

     Mainstream media has ignored this criminal activity these three decades because they're in on it.  Chances are, your favorite talking head is stashing away oodles of our family savings every year him/herself, smiling at his/her victim, you, all the while.   #$%%*&&^%$ scammer.

     Here's the kind of thing our media hotshots come up with on the subject; in reality, the piece addresses what corporate criminals do with their stolen property (your hard-earning savings) once they've gotten their greedy little fingers on it, and whether we need better laws covering that, for goodness sakes;  hey, hotshots, how about a piece on which politicians are taking what bribes from which scammers to keep the racketeering going: