
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

January 19, 2015

Theft of Shareholder Wealth Reaching a Milestone

     Bleeding hearts from Oxfam, that international consortium of do-gooders addressing the structural causes of poverty and related injustices, like to point out that 85 billionaires hold the same amount of wealth as the bottom half of the entire global population.  Yada-yada-yada.  But now some enlightened Oxfam think-tankers have finally come up with something the world needs to know: the infamous richest one percent will own more than half of the Earth's wealth by 2016.

     As our Post subscribers understand all too well, those thieving pigs, the aforementioned infamous richest one percenters, are lifting that wealth from our Post subscribers!


     Has anyone thought to take their m%th$rf#cking stock options away?  You know, the politically enabled, otherwise illicit, stock options that skim tiny percentages of ownership interest from your wealth management account into theirs year after year after year, and have been doing so since the Shareholder Reaming Act was passed in 1980, effective January 1, 1981, already copping the full amount of wherewithal your family had invested in the stock market on December 31, 19-m%th$rf#cking-80, only leaving you with the growth, if any, in that 12/31/80 capital.

     That's our wealth these Crime Lords are looting.  Yours and mine.  What we have here is grand larceny on a heretofore unimaginable scale, unimaginable to even the greediest of pre-1980 lowlife white collar criminal scum.

     Like always, for those of us with access, MacDougal urges everyone who can, to kick a CEO in the nuts today.  It's the Post's longstanding editorial position that, given the political climate in Twenty-First Century Washington, this is the only constructive action a victim can be taking*.  So those who are in a position to, do, and the rest of you wait and take a shot whenever you can.

     Kick a CEO in the nuts today.  And keep it up until they stop swiping what's yours and mine.  And get behind Oxfam and the wonderful work they do - well, some of them anyway - and talk up their report and MacDougal's editorial policy until we see some kind of breakthrough here, and subscribers can count their money in peace once again.  All of it too, for a very welcome change.

*Once daily, over and over again.