
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

January 24, 2015

Destructionism on Steroids

What're you rebelling against, Johnny?

Whaddya got?
(With that famous retort, Marlon Brando's iconic character in The Wild One gets straight to the point. Johnny's all about being bad.  How you go about it is a whole other thing.)

FAST FORWARD to one of yesterday's YouTube interviews of the sitting train wreck in the White House.

I'm in favor of legalizing marijuana.

(Chortling sardonically)

We're in a really weird place with marijuana right now.

Yeh, yeh.

Like it's illegal everywhere, but in some places it's kind of okay but if the state thinks it's not okay. then lets throw those people in jail.  I feel it leads to excessive incarceration, especially among minorities.


How do we move forward out of this legal gray area weirdness?

Well ... uh .... we still have laws classifying marijuana as an illegal substance ... what I am doing at the Federal level is asking my Department of Justice to just examine generally how we are treating nonviolent drug offenders because I think ... what we have done is .... instead of treatment ... as a public health problem, we've treated this exclusively as a criminal problem and ... 
(playing the Black card)
it's been devastating in a lot of minority communities.  It presents the possibility at least of unequal application of the law, and uh that has to be changed.


(cellblock population watching TV)

Just let me get my hands on a gun.

They gonna turn you loose?  That nigger's crazy, Bro.



(pandemonium.  murderers and assaulters busted for cannabis-related crimes rolling on the floor in gleeful anticipation, while rapists, sexual predators, and child molesters convicted of cannabis-related stuff look around to recreate sundry wanton pleasures right here and now in a chilling take on their piece of all the newly promised hope and change.)


January 23, 2015

Underinflating Footballs

     National Football League game balls, we're being told, are inflated to pressures between 12 1/2 and 13 1/2 pounds per square inch (psi).  Thing is, that arcane fact happens to reach our ears because the Patriots got accused of stomping the Colts 45-7 this weekend through under-inflating their game balls by some 2 psi. 

     Apparently a team's game improves by 5 touchdowns and a field goal when you set the gauge to 10 1/2 instead of whatever.  Clearly, this brings up one simple question.

     Why didn't they tell everyone to set the damn contraptions to 10 1/2 in the first place?

January 19, 2015

Theft of Shareholder Wealth Reaching a Milestone

     Bleeding hearts from Oxfam, that international consortium of do-gooders addressing the structural causes of poverty and related injustices, like to point out that 85 billionaires hold the same amount of wealth as the bottom half of the entire global population.  Yada-yada-yada.  But now some enlightened Oxfam think-tankers have finally come up with something the world needs to know: the infamous richest one percent will own more than half of the Earth's wealth by 2016.

     As our Post subscribers understand all too well, those thieving pigs, the aforementioned infamous richest one percenters, are lifting that wealth from our Post subscribers!


     Has anyone thought to take their m%th$rf#cking stock options away?  You know, the politically enabled, otherwise illicit, stock options that skim tiny percentages of ownership interest from your wealth management account into theirs year after year after year, and have been doing so since the Shareholder Reaming Act was passed in 1980, effective January 1, 1981, already copping the full amount of wherewithal your family had invested in the stock market on December 31, 19-m%th$rf#cking-80, only leaving you with the growth, if any, in that 12/31/80 capital.

     That's our wealth these Crime Lords are looting.  Yours and mine.  What we have here is grand larceny on a heretofore unimaginable scale, unimaginable to even the greediest of pre-1980 lowlife white collar criminal scum.

     Like always, for those of us with access, MacDougal urges everyone who can, to kick a CEO in the nuts today.  It's the Post's longstanding editorial position that, given the political climate in Twenty-First Century Washington, this is the only constructive action a victim can be taking*.  So those who are in a position to, do, and the rest of you wait and take a shot whenever you can.

     Kick a CEO in the nuts today.  And keep it up until they stop swiping what's yours and mine.  And get behind Oxfam and the wonderful work they do - well, some of them anyway - and talk up their report and MacDougal's editorial policy until we see some kind of breakthrough here, and subscribers can count their money in peace once again.  All of it too, for a very welcome change.

*Once daily, over and over again.

January 16, 2015

Puff it Off

     Looney Tunes Pelosi appoints a Muslim to the House Intelligence Committee, and social media goes crazy bananas.  Look, people, the Muslim-in-Chief has been handing out American military weapons to Middle Eastern military Muslims for some time now, and what better way to place American military assets in enemy Middle Eastern military Muslim hands than to have a Muslim plant inside an oversight panel that deals in classified military information?

     This is just destructionism as usual these days.  Hop a flight out to Colorado or wherever, grab a little legalized weed, and get over it, why don't you?

January 8, 2015

They Would Be Murdered Twice If We Remained Silent

     Last night, from flower-strewn streets near the blood-spattered site where 12 Charlie Hebdo journalists were massacred Wednesday by a cold-blooded, hate-spewing Muslim War Machine, CNN's Anderson Cooper reported a story we're not getting here in the U.S., namely this menacing trail of small, "isolated" civilian assassinations spreading through places like France and Australia and Afghanistan and Syria and Iraq, so often under the broad, videotaped direction of masked jihadists in Syria and Iraq, the ominous extent of which is held under world radar by the relatively inconsequential nature of "infidels" (us) getting slain one or two at a time.  Even Anderson didn't grab hold of this horror and run with the consequences to us all.  Apparently, unless Muslims present the media with a bona fide crime scene of actual mass murder, the perps aren't being fingered as vile, murdering, militarized scum.  As a result, the extent of this war has been understated to an astonishing degree, at least on our shores.

    To all watching Anderson's effort, the point should be perfectly clear.  We've got to marshall our troops and destroy the enemy.  That foe is Muslim, and he must die by our hand.

     The next issue of Charlie Hebdo is already in the works.  "They would be murdered twice," one disturbingly unglued survivor vowed, remembering his slain colleagues, "if we remained silent."  One would hope his fervor will serve as a lesson to us all.

Come on, Lets Put the Horse before the Cart

     Here's a piece seemingly assuming that big-time oil trading houses, once again storing bargain-priced crude in tankers, are taking advantage of the crash in that commodity, a take counterintuitive to what in all likelihood has these thieving pigs trashing quotes to begin with, grabbing obscene windfalls first on the short side and now the long.  The media version, somehow blaming the Saudis without addressing market manipulation by crime family crews, initially came across as falderal and now makes absolutely no sense at all:

Je Suis Charlie

     The expression is going viral, and we feel driven to join in too.  Vive la France!

January 6, 2015

Getting Our Damn Jobs Back

     Face it, destructionist politicians are still selling this country down the river;  lets bypass Washington, and get everyone we know behind Buy American movements like this;  please pass the link along:

January 3, 2015

The Godot Economy

     As Wikipedia sort of puts it, Beckett's "Waiting for Godot is an absurdist play ... in which ... characters wait endlessly and in vain for the arrival of someone named Godot".

     And so, when David Stockman posits that we have "a world economy driven by money printing central bankers ... a giant credit bubble that is ... fracturing ... but now, surely, comes their downfall", that last thing having been anticipated by pretty much everyone on the planet for years now, one can't help wondering how we all got caught up in this sordid neo-absurdist economics drama.

     His latest piece, located at the link below, adds Wall Street into the mix in an entertaining, if fanciful, way, along with a heaping spoonful of emerging market ramifications;  Reagan jocks will want to stay in the loop, and it wouldn't hurt the rest of you to wait endlessly and in vain a little too:


January 1, 2015

Press Release Re: Almost Relocated

Pancho's Crossing, Arizona
Jan 1, 2015

     Your staff is pleased to announce that Global Headquarters has been temporarily established hereabouts while MacDougal undertakes our permanent relocation.  Some corporate stuff got brought in from the pick-up, and the rest is setting out by the garage if we've any need of it, so perspicacities will be getting blogged just fine this-a-way until the final move happens.

     Happy New Year too.

     - Guns MacDonald, Chief of Security, The MacDougal Post

It's Settled, Greenhouse Gas Twaddle Really Is a Crock

     Turns out, "scientists" claiming the environment is doomed unless we adopt a political stance making Al Gore and them filthy rich didn't do their homework.  "Until our analysis," definitively concludes one actually learned dude who's finally done his, "no one had successfully completed a global reconciliation of information about carbon effects from the atmospheric, forestry, and modeling communities."

     The result?  Well, the environment's just fine.  The way it is.  And since proponents of Al's hogwash claimed the entire "scientific" community stood behind it, the MacDougal Post calls for academia to clean house.  The immediate resignation of pretty much everyone there would seem appropriate.

     NASA's take can be found at the following link: