
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

February 28, 2014


         If, like us, you haven’t run across this voice, here’s a link to a Canadian with something to say and his latest editorial; as ever, we're grateful to the alert subscribers who keep bringing stuff like this to our attention:

February 25, 2014

Selling America out Lock, Stock, and Barrel

         On the same day we’re told that a Muslim-reared POTUS is dismantling the military to the point where we will no longer be defending Christianity from a massive Muslim war machine hell bent on strategically "outpopulating" the enemy with a little tactical assistance from suicide bombers and worldwide insurrection, Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan took to his bully pulpit and declared that American-Africans should look, in part, to the Koran and set up their own justice system for Blacks outside the nation’s existing courts.

         In time of war, where we’ve been since the morning of September 11, 2001, this veteran can’t help asking why acts of subversion such as these aren’t being viewed as treason.

February 11, 2014

Obama’s Lawlessness Is Chilling

        Ordering businesses to lose money over the still-unknown horrors involved in financing Obamacare, this POTUS has turned taxation into outrageous confiscation of wealth.  It remains to be seen what kind of devastation will be wreaked on the private sector before the courts have a chance to rule on the illegality of his dictatorial edict, but, clearly, America’s balance sheets cannot endure red ink forever.

        Thanks to Fox News, today a lone beacon of truth in a land of suffocating deceit, for breaking this story.  Their piece can be found at the following link:

February 3, 2014

Run for the Hills (Not)

         Our valued subscribers may be wondering why the stock market has been crumbling lately.  Well, it’s as simple as this.  The Crime Families have begun planting reasons in your mind to eventually scare you into selling all your stocks to them at market lows so you have to buy your entire portfolio back at future market highs.  If the felons opt to follow through, and sometimes they don’t, that would put us in the Chinese water torture phase of wealth management, the part where racketeers prolong investor agony with a lengthy period of modest, but persistently jabbing, price dips, at the end of which is Capitulation Day, where we’re all supposed to give up while they grab the loot and jack market quotes back up 15% or whatever before the suckers have a chance to catch on.

         In all the years he’s been watching these criminal masterminds in action, MacDougal has only heard one useful piece of advice to pass along to subscribers at this point in the sting:

If you’re a good Christian, stop going to church.  This is not the second coming of Christ, or whatever the hell the zealots start telling you people at times like this.  It’s another Wall Street Mafia rip off.  When brilliantly executed, the typical Sunday morning nut case is going to get in on it too.