
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

June 29, 2013

WTF Global Redux

          Remember WTF Global, the huge Crime Family claiming that its goons didn’t steal no customers’ money?  Story went, one capo or another just sort of misplaced it somewhere, or something, all of it, and nobody had no idea where.  Or how.  Or who.  Remember them?  Thieving pack of scam artists had a former New Jersey Governor/Senator running the con, if that helps jog your memory a bit.

         Well, a Big Apple fish wrapper just broke the news that our hotshots prosecuting the case for the Feds have agreed with this thieving pack of liars, concluding after a two year “investigation” that misplacing money on Wall Street isn’t like, you know, actually committing a crime or anything, so nobody’s going to jail.

         Those of you who maintain accounts with the Crime Families may want to consider loading up on more semi-automatic weapons, banana clips, and ammo.

         Clearly, nobody else is protecting your beleaguered a$$, or is going to.  Ever.

June 21, 2013

Stop Loss Order

         Yesterday's market clubbing, as well as recent discussions with a former investment clubber, reminded us of something we used to dwell on years ago, but learned to just swallow.  Maybe our blogger needs to pass it along to subscribers anyway.

         Every time you give your Crime Family a number, the racketeers make money off you.  Tell these crooks you want to buy at 40, and they pick it up for something like 39 7/8 and then, and only then, sell to you at the number you gave them.  Key in an order to sell at 40, and they unload it around maybe 40 1/8 first, then buy yours from you at the price they know they’re getting.  Happens every trade the thieving s#ns#fb$tch3&s do whether they make a counterparty out of you or not.

         Maybe you can already see why placing a conditional sell order on that same stock at maybe 34 to 36 has these goons dancing on your financial grave.  It’s like handing some whacked-out raghead a gun and telling him to shoot you right between the wealth management accounts.

         Market drops 353.87 points, b#st#rds take your stock down big time, pick up your shares at 34 or 36 or whatever price you were dumb enough to give them, and three days later market comes back and a genius mob trader sells out the same lot at, guess what, 40.

         Scam got cranked up yesterday, folks.  Did it happen to you?

         When a stock quote dips, an investor buys more.  An investor invests.  That’s why he’s called an investor.  Anyone who sells out at these times is called a f$ck&ng idiot.

         Don’t use stop loss orders, people.  Think this thing through.  Use covered calls if you have to play silly short-term games.  At least they add cash to the account balance.  Every time too.  Or place your sell orders 10% above the market, not below.

         Most importantly, be wary if your capo recommends buying a specific stock and touts a stop loss order as the only way to execute this brilliant trade.  Chances are, his consigliere has every customer's man in the Family pitching this deal so the trading desk can make a killing off the huge stop-loss block they're busy amassing.  The Organization actually pays their liars an extra commission to set up these kinds of deals, and if your con artist talks long and hard, and just won't let go, that's why.  He'll pick up a big fat paycheck for screwing his clients.

         The stop loss order is offered up as protection, and it’s the same kind of protection gangbangers give shop owners on the streets.  Wall Street’s protection rackets wouldn’t exist without it.

June 20, 2013


         The markets stumbled yesterday, and, concurrently, Crime Family mouthpieces spread the same tired old disinformation we told you about last go-around: fear that the Fed will stop inflating the money supply by ending QE has suddenly terrified "investors".  Do we have to repeat ourselves every time this happens?  Here’s the real skinny….

         Somewhere, a Crime Family Don picked up the phone, and said “Sell,” and capos representing the combined wealth of every wired Presbyterian Mafioso on Wall Street heard him, and together they threw their trillions and trillions and trillions of ill-gotten financial racketeering booty behind selling (outright shorting and shorting the box, for those of you who’ve gotten a savvy handle on all this stuff).  Pretty much the entire list of names traded on every exchange in America tanked under the weight of this blatant criminality, creating the illusion that “The Market” was freaking out while talking heads everywhere gave our supercilious hotshots at the Securities and Excuses Commission the excuse they needed to look the other way.


         People, all our manufacturing jobs are in Asia, and the paperwork-intensive industries fueling that humongous sub-prime mortgage swindle have been crippled, costing us even more well compensated positions.  The demand side of this post-outsourcing economy doesn’t have enough juice to sustain any kind of actual economic recovery, so the boys and girls at the Fed are going to inflate our way out of this train wreck through time immemorial, and THERE IS NO REASON TO EVER THINK OTHERWISE.

         At least, not until secession arrives.  Or whatever.

         When interest rates rise, dim-witted Government functionaries allow Crime Lords to chop equity valuations off at the knees solely because of their gang-banging clout.  The reality that this has nothing to do with interest rates and everything to do with gang banging never even enters into the conversation.  Coca Cola and Exxon Mobil and them can end up losing two thirds of their market price when racketeers make it so.  That investors accept this without a quibble is insane.

         Nepotism doesn’t work, and Plutocracy is destined to find a violent end.  In the interim, all the corruption can become too much for this blogger to bear. 

June 17, 2013

Financial Accountant Crowned Miss USA

         Prudential Financial’s Erin Brady won the 2013 Miss USA Contest in Las Vegas Sunday night, capturing the hearts of Wall Street Crime Family capos everywhere.

         When asked how much Federal Income Tax his real estate empire has paid the United States Government over the decades, and whether or not that had anything to do with this year's decision to go with the bean counter, Donald Trump, half-owner of the beauty contest that's not so much about beauty anymore as it is about matching The Donald's elephantine ego with all the titillating ways NBC, the contest's other half-owner, can stroke it, replied that he was unavailable for comment and would see to it that your reporter never found work in this business again.

June 15, 2013


          Now that White children under the age of 5 have become minority citizens of their own country and all White children under 18 are expected to follow within 5 years, the Editorial Staff of the your Post would like to announce that MacDougal is forming the National Association for the Advancement of White People (NAAWP) in a proactive affirmative action to deal with the resulting shift in racial minority issues.

         This opens up positions for two insufferable loudmouths anxious to jump in front of the cameras anytime some White-bashing thingy receives worldwide broadcast media coverage no matter how far and fast an insufferable loudmouth has to haul a$$ to get to the hate-crime scene.  We hope to fill these job slots with the most repugnant self-promoting smarty-pants mouth-offs on the face of the Earth, a pair of puffed-up, swollen-headed, ego-driven windbags anxious to flaunt their outsized abhorrence and unrivaled despicability throughout the entire civilized world and Iceland.

         If your ex-spouse has been represented by a total piece-of-calamari lawyer, or you know of this slimeball pastor who just can’t keep his fool mouth shut and everybody in church wants him the hell out, and ASAP ain’t soon enough, praise Jesus, or whatever, and you’ve concluded that your nomination is the biggest total gasbag around, we are currently accepting email nominations for Media Spokespersons for the White Race.  Just enter “Nomination” in the subject line, and give us his or her name plus a short written essay explaining why you think your nominee is the most loathsome rabble-rousing, wise-ass trouble-maker on the planet.

         Remember, we need world-class racial spokespersons who can hold their own against the kind of competition capable of turning the highest murder rates in the country into a compelling reason why the $#%&ing potential victims have to turn in their guns while Big Government keeps giving perps and their families and their whole community free stuff and won’t test them for drugs before they get free stuff, and, and, get this, people who don’t even come from here qualify for gratis, out-of-our-damn-pockets $#%&ing medical care and any baby born on our soil gets to be a $#%&ing CITIZEN, for goodness sakes, and help outnumber all those cute little White babies of ours who are ever so precious and cuddly and don’t deserve to be treated like this.

         Adorable angels never did anything to anybody, and somebody has to take a stand.  The Post family can be proud that the search for that/these somebody(ies) has been initiated by our own MacDougal Irving.