
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

January 31, 2013

Major Political Announcement

          As this soon-enough-to-be lame duck President holds hands with this lame ass Congress over how many illegal aliens each political party will turn into loyal legal voters with immigration reform hoopla, we’ve about had it with the pack of them. 

         The MacDougal Post is pleased to announce that our founder, MacDougal Irving, hisself, is running for President of the United States of America in 2016, and we’re forming the brand new Curmudgeon Party so that he can have a ticket to run on.  Our Curmudgeon Party Political Promise Agenda starts with this:

         Political Promise #1:  The Curmudgeon Party will let every wetback cucaracha who is now in, stay in, and if the total number of cucarachas we’ve got here already represents 17% of the whole freaking population of Mexico, like the statistics indicate, we’ll annex 17% of the whole freaking land of Mexico.  And if more of you wetback cucarachas come in, we’ll annex more Mexican land.  In fact, you’re all welcome, every single wetback cucaracha you’ve got, and y’all can vote for whomever you want, only we’ll start rigging those voting machines so your dumbass cucaracha ballots all cancel each other out, and those of us up here in the Estados Unidos or Canuckland who are actually from the Estados or Canuckland and wonder why we’re wintering in some whacked out place like Estado Minnesota or, God help you, Estado Saskatchewan or however you say that one, won’t have to anymore because we’ll all be down there in Cucaracha City, and it’s fiesta time, cucarachas, and the first place MacDougal’s annexing is ………………………….. Acapulco, Baby.

         MacDougal is the first virtual reality blog bot to seek public office, and we’re all thrilled at the prospect that voters won’t have to put up with another human being in the White House for 8 years if they don’t want to.  More planks in the Curmudgeon Party Political Promise Agenda are expected to follow.

January 29, 2013

January 28, 2013

Round and Round

          Mary Jo Somebody is getting nominated to head the Securities and Excuses Commission, replacing that Bloody Mary Person, who’s already been replaced by an Interim Nobody flying way under the radar for a couple of months now.  The announcement did not mention how many Wall Street Crime Family Dons the nominated chair represented at her last job, running the litigation department of a law firm apparently specializing in defending white collar crime, and instead spun on and on about the time Mary Jo Somebody spent as U.S. Attorney in Manhattan paying her dues to qualify for the revolving door between regulator and regulatee that rewards these chameleons so fabulously well, ignoring the structural reason (revolving door) why the outgoing Commish failed to put any Wall Street Crime Family Dons where Wall Street Crime Family Dons belong (behind bars), a punishment so pathetic anyway it’s called Club Fed, for goodness sakes.

         Bloody Mary claims she has no idea what she’s going to do next, and nobody's had the cujones to ask how much she’s been paid off so far - and expects to get paid off in the future - for not incarcerating any Wall Street Crime Family Dons during her ignominious watch, so we can only assume it's been and/or will be fabulous.

January 25, 2013

Enough is Enough

          Against the backdrop of young Israeli girls flaunting the oppression of Arab males by taking to the occupied streets of Palestine with assault rifles strapped to their backs, another Jewish female took to the media yesterday in an attempt to ban the kind of weapons and ammunition American citizens would need to protect our Heartland from a similar occupation by the armed forces of this totalitarian Liberal Democratic party run amuck.  Ignoring Hollywood’s part in desensitizing mass murderers to mass murder as well as the horrific ghetto Black illegal handgun kill rate in this country, California Senator D. Feinstein has targeted the United States Constitution as the enemy of her ethnicity and their allied un-American forces.

         Israel has tormented the native population of occupied Palestine for something like 65 years now, stripping their victims of economic opportunity and whatever land strikes the repressive regime’s fancy, with no end to that inhuman reign in sight.  In what could prove to be sedition, Jewish politicians here have been trying to spring similar capabilities on us.

         Don’t let them.  The real issue is clear.  Why do we let anyone with ancestral ties to a warring, tyrannical nuclear power governed by the heartless rule of barbarity be allowed to hold office here?

         Impeach D. Feinstein of California.

January 23, 2013

Canoodling with the Devil

         The Post is proud to keep its Crime Family readership apprised of the latest in 1% excess.  Priced at only half a million euros ($666,894 at this moment's quoted mid-market exchange rate), it's one way to flaunt the zillions you filch from us, you borborygmus detestation(s).

- with special thanks to our ever-watchful Blauvelt stringer.

January 9, 2013

You Talking to Me? You Talking to Me? You Talking to Me?

         In this stark reminder of the cruelty inflicted on the Palestinian by that police state in his ethnic homeland, and how that happened and continues to happen and looks like it will go on happening until the End of Days, a New York Jew stood on a New York platform flanked by a coterie of armed guards a few weeks ago and brazenly announced that he and his New York Liberals were coming after my guns like they were “settling” Heartland America, and all of us who live here had suddenly become targets of his Israeli-style political oppression.  The absurdity of that visual image – and the profound scope of its terrifying arrogance, an egomaniacal Government despot, protected by gunmen and backed up by God only knows how many millennia of violence against anyone his twelve warring tribes ever came into contact with, proclaiming the seizure of our weapons, soon convinced clearer heads in his anti-American movement to persuade this Judaic fascist to keep his fool mouth shut and let others take the point on this one, at least for a while.

         And so, on the very same day that a trailer for Sylvester Stallone’s new movie, Bullet to the Head, pops up on my already-subjugated TV screen, a former Congressperson who actually got a bullet to the head maybe two years ago now, announces that it’s she and her spaceman who’re coming after my guns this week – my guns instead of Bullet to the Head Stallone’s.

         Now, North American movie theater attendance is running at something like 1.3 billion annually.  If Hollywood plugs stone cold dead an average of 5 extras and supporting actors per featured cinematic presentation, then family members going to their local multiplexes in the U.S. and Canada witness gunshot murders 6.5 billion times a year.  I haven’t shot anybody yet.  What in the Sam Hill (WitSH) are they targeting me for? 

         Seriously people, WitSH?  A second film, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s The Last Stand, was also advertised in my living room at the very same time, and right behind Sylvester’s too, and while Bullet to the Head brandishes some impressive handgun action and close-in fisticuffs and what looks like a totally stellar axe fight - and Stallone’s teaser has this great big bullet looking like it’s coming at you right between the eyes, just getting bigger and bigger and bigger, man, Arnold’s latest blockbuster bloodbath features over-the-top awesome automatic weaponry, kind of galore, I think, and sublimely hard-core automatic weapon clips, all of it delightfully shiny and so deliciously gun-shop new you can almost smell the powder fumes steeping in from the firing range out back, and the cinematography includes these world-class auto crashes, eye-popping full screen incendiaries, and some even more impressive world-class auto crashes together with eye-popping full screen incendiaries, owing, in part, to what looks like cutting-edge camera work whenever autos and auto parts and these giant orange fireball and strobe thingies with the brilliant white silver streaks that always freak me out, which could be caused by anything, I guess, except actual, you know, car fuel, come flying overhead under masterful Hollywood direction.

         So who’s the real problem here?  Me or Hollywood?  Huh?  Who, people, who?  Whataya think?  Especially with the poster lady for everything Hollywood has done to desensitize killers to killing and mass murder and, well, gunshots to the head too, I suppose, now speaking out with her spaceman.

         I mean, WitSH?  Just WitSH?  People, the score is 6.5 billion to none.


         Heh-heh heh, heh-heh heh, heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh ………. Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat’s All, Folks.

- MacDougal Irving, hisself