
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

June 18, 2012

It Hasn’t Been Written Yet

           The Senate calls for a hearing on those huge gambling losses we read about on the internet, and the Senator asks the trillion dollar question, would the trading activity producing that red font color have been prevented by the Volcker Rule?

           The CEO of Fallutin National Bank responds, “I don’t know what the Volcker Rule is. It hasn’t been written yet,” and with those words, the hopes and prayers of MacDougal Post subscribers everywhere in the civilized world and Iceland are dashed.

           Washington has done NOTHING to address the Financial Apocalypse of  FOUR YEARS AGO.  Absolutely NOTHING, and with that answer, coming straight from the lips of the biggest reason for our Govenment's failure to act, the Fallutin National CEO, we are assured that his lobbyists will continue to stand squarely in the way of financial reform, blocking anything and everything – legislation, regulation, whatever you got - that would otherwise threaten his own personal reign of financial terror and those of the other greedy Crime Lords prospering in criminal affluence along with him.

           There is video of that exchange somewhere in cyberspace.  If you run across it, watch the look on the marauder's face when he serves us this notice.  We're too disgusted to go and find it for you, and don't want to spend another sleepless night haunted by the spectre of this racketeer's arrogance.