We haven’t watched TV in maybe
three weeks, and when we do, the market is tanking and one of the talking heads
says it’s because Goldberg, Styx put out this memo to clients saying the market should. Or would. Or however the purse-snatchers couch those things.
Since the beginning of rigged-market Nepotism, Crime Lords have been accumulating ginormous short positions by tricking clients, getting them to buy, buy, buy into their counterparty short-selling (see the
last few weeks) and then using media co-conspirators to make these same marks sell,
sell, sell into the kind of market turbulence that can bring The Families piles
and piles of swagger when the financial mobsters cover those shorts at the (we’re guessing
August-September) lows. The middle part is done by terrifying the Nation's adult population with the kind of news programming that actually lets the sonsofbitches go on the air with todays "lead (fucking) story", scaring the sheckels out of clients they've just finished pumping up with confidence that Goldberg, Styx professionals should be the ones picking stocks for them.
Why the entire Goldberg, Styx
staff, everyone who's ever opened his/her mouth on corporate TV, and all our hotshots at the Securities and
Excuses Commission, each and every single head-in-the-sand hotshot, are never called out for this, let alone tossed in the slammer, continues to confound us.
There’s a good chance the
offending TV set will not be turned on again until Fall, and only then for
Northwestern Football (Go Cats). We’ve
been getting all our news from the bloggers for a while now, and only find
reasons to keep it that way every time the matter comes up.
Like now, for one.
Like now, for one.