
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

March 29, 2012

Trevvon Martin

           According to the FBI Supplementary Homicide Reports 1980-2009, in 2009 Whites murdered 464 Blacks, while Blacks murdered 1,177 Whites.

           Blacks account for roughly 12% of the U.S. population.  At the above rate, if the nation's racial composition were even, Blacks would’ve murdered something like 4,900 Whites, so the Black racial kill rate is maybe 10 times higher than the White racial kill rate, not something under 3 as the unadjusted stats make it appear.

           With a vitriolic, media-juiced Black lynch mob clamoring over we don’t even know what yet, it’s easy to see why.  And why gun sales have risen sharply in recent months.

           For its part, the nation's heartland is screaming to keep these morons off the airways.  All we're asking for out here is a media that sees a problem for what it really is.

March 27, 2012

Shenanigans Again

           Shenanigans.  Always with the shenanigans.


March 16, 2012

Told You So

And here's what y'all need to know about Global Headquarters down home in Logano, Tennessee:

March 6, 2012

Remembering Carmen

           Some big time pundits have just gone on record picking the hedge fund manager to take that GOP nomination, and, in joyous celebration today, hedge fund short-sellers banded together with the rest of the Crime Families to brutally trash stock prices while the Dons and their media stooges pulled out the old “market got ahead of itself” cover story so that hotshots at the somnambulant Securities and Excuses Commission could continue napping as they have been for at least parts of two centuries now, pretty much continuously.

           Come next January, should Fifteen Percent and the Missus get to pull her two cadillacs and whatever else they've got into the appropriately upscale garage/bunker at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, expect Wall Street to party like it’s Carnival in Rio.

           Really, really party.

           Get ready to samba down.

March 4, 2012

Cannonball Run

         Now that Fifteen Percent and the Two Cadillacs Missus have the pedal to the metal on their cannonball run to the White House, it’s time to pose the question any Crime Family Don would have to be asking himself about here, “What’s in it for us?”

         Well, in 2010 there were an estimated 46.2 million Americans living below the poverty line, up from maybe 43.6 million the prior year, suggesting we’ll have somewhere around 50 million, give or take, when the next Presidential term begins.  If Fifteen Percent can figure out how to squeeze another $100 apiece out of poor people and channel it into the private sector, well, his own personal private sector actually, not too much to ask of a wise guy paying taxes at a 15% rate while everybody else forks over more than double his, it could mean an additional $5 billion a year to him and his hedge fund minions.

         And that’s just for jollies.  Screwing the middle class, that’s where the lollapalooza kicks in.

         Watch the carried interest con artist’s face on TV these days.  Clearly, man can’t wait to get started.

March 1, 2012

In Case You Missed It

           While one out of ten is discouragingly lower than the ratio we’ve encountered in the financial rackets, combining “psychopath” with “Wall Street” has been a long time coming, for media hotshots anyway, and all of us here at The MacDougal Post would like to commend the researchers for going there, and express our profound gratitude to the journalist as well as her editor and publisher for validating our own observations and bringing the goons in these Crime Families one step closer to prosecution for their outlandish cons.