
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

October 21, 2010

The Other Wall Street

    A lot of dads come out to watch their kid play ball, and Wall Street CEO’s are no exception.  Years ago, I met one with no Gangland affiliation.  My mob connection, who had close matrimonial ties to my mother, who was a saint, called this guy a straight arrow.

    Turned out the man proved to be an investor pulling clients in on deals that actually financed America, what wise guys said they were doing while financing themselves.  His firm never joined in with the bloodsucking thieves around The Street to gangbang markets or sectors or even individual stocks, nor pulled off any nefarious schemes my mob connection could finger him for.

    They didn’t have any bloodsucking thieves in the office.

    In reading what’s been blogged on our website so far, we realized this part's been left out.  Back in the day they weren’t all crooks down there.

    Just pretty much everyone doing business with Filch & Finagle.

    At least this one firm was the real deal.  And still is, we assure you.