
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

January 28, 2017

California Dreamin'


     An organization called YesCalifornia just received approval to gather resident signatures on paperwork needed to put "Calexit" before the state's voters.  If these efforts work out, their proposal would be placed on the ballot twice, first as a 2018 fake news referendum, and if that passed, again in a 2019 real news special election.  Here's a link to the outfit's home page:

     We strongly recommend that people all over the planet get behind what is an absolutely remarkable opportunity for those of us who would remain in this great nation to see our lives so enriched by the blessed event, and urge loyal Americans outside California to encourage all their liberal friends to go away too.  An article informs us that cannabis has become La La Land's largest cash crop, so liberals of all stripes will be very happy there, especially the commies and the LGBTs and the BLM street thugs and the fake global cooling/warming climatologists and the gun control nut cases and the Exxon haters and the McDonald's haters and the Coke haters and the Walmart haters and the free stuff entitled and the zero/negative interest rate crowd and the illegal immigrant voting fraud supporters and the Muslim serial killer immigration enablers and the Clinton Foundation fans.  Very, very happy, we assure you.

     YesCalifornia's website is set up to accept donations of varying amounts from $25 to $2,000, and has a box marked "other" for generous real Americans who just can't spend enough to see the pack of them off.  YesCalifornia accepts 1) Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover, 2) bank transfers, and 3) for those of you who like to auction off household appliances that don't work anymore, PayPal.  The YesCalifornia donation page is accessed through the following link:

January 24, 2017 Article Nails it

     David Prentice shares his spot-on view of the leftist narrative:

January 22, 2017

Lock Her Up Too

     By using mass media to recruit fellow anarchists into making her dream of blowing up the White House become reality, communist agitator M. L. V. Ciccone should be shipped off to Guantanamo Monday and held without trial as our worst enemies are until the citizens of this nation can be certain her treason has been contained, and then tried as the traitor she has become; simply investigating the monstrous act is just not enough:

January 15, 2017

Massive Communist Indoctrination of University Students

     Time to rethink those contributions to the old alma mater, people; what they really support is a pack of hard core Trotskyites working to pry that hard-earned family savings stash out of the hands of capitalist pigs like you.