
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

December 29, 2016

The Future under Trump: Look Forward - Not in the Rear-View Mirror

     If you take our extirpated leadership for the communists they are and fit their record into the Marxist manifesto to destroy capitalism utterly, then one understands why these dastardly pinkos did what they did:  1) denying cost-effective fossil fuel to an economy's means of production and transportation while 2) handcuffing the bourgeoisie with galumphing regulation, and then 3) flooding the population with impoverished anti-Christian immigrants who refuse to assimilate and who produce a steady stream of home-grown killers targeting everybody who isn't them - this, this horrific place is just where the peaceful revolutionary wants to go to topple an economic colossus like ours helplessly to the ground.

     There's more, lots more, but just abrogating subversive Government efforts in those three areas and setting a supportive course could be enough to unbind the kind of American excellence that would justify this recent Trump Rally and launch market averages up at least much closer to the nosebleed heights some gurus are prognosticating.

     For starters, think of everything the Washington Swamp has sloshed onto commercial interests as costly, unproductive, and deliberately encumbering business overhead, then consider the possibilities out there were all those barricades, monkey wrenches, roadblocks, booby traps, and logjams to be removed.

     Don't prejudge the United States of America.

     Give SuperDonald a chance to do what he can do.  And stop looking backwards.   The Man of Deal is facing smelly 2017, not some comparably fragrant year in another millennium, and those stinky 2017 problems are right in front of his nose.

     Last and probably most important of all, do not overlook the even more obvious.  If he just starts to sweep the regulatory slate clean, comes through for the oil patch a tad, and simply continues to address the Muslim War Machine as a goddam Muslim War Machine, the ever-present speculative community on and around Wall Street could jump all over the outsized potential there, and drive stock prices through the roof.

December 24, 2016

Things Will Be Different

     "As to the U.N., things will be different after Jan. 20," Trump's tweet went, responding to Barry Soetoro's evil attempt at decapitating Israel yesterday, and we've been obsessed with how ever since.  Once again real news has come through for us.  Here's what Breitbart served up so far:

December 4, 2016

December 19th Update

     Apparently the communists, reported to have come up with 15 pinkos in the electoral college who will not vote for the president-elect, have not given up on their plans to follow the Fed's lead and destroy capitalism under a Hillary Clinton administration;  sounds like the next 15 days are going to be a nail-biter, subscribers: