
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

February 22, 2016

How Women Are Dooming Western Civilization

     A lot of work has been done in this field, and we're passing the below along as a starter video link for subscribers who may find themselves interested in looking further into the subversive role women keep playing to align society's Liberal infestation with our enemies:

February 19, 2016

Gratuitous Pope One Pronouncement Short of Asking for an Ass-Whupping

     (Your Post staff would be remiss if we failed to thank our new Minnesota stringer for bringing poignancy and unbridled enthusiasm to the party.  Keep on keeping on, socioeconomic political warrior.)  

How's this for starters:

(We have no idea where our aforementioned intrepid stringer snagged the next one from, and could care less; it's gilt-edged, festooned omphalos:)

Trump, the Pope, and the Wall

     Building a wall for the safety and security of citizens cannot possibly be, in and of itself, an ungodly thing to do. If it is, we need to rip the entire book of Nehemiah out of the Bible.

     The Pope created a controversy by going to our southern border and making the building of a border wall the litmus test of Christian faith. "A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian. This is not the gospel."

     Setting aside the plain truth that the litmus test of Christian faith is what a man does with Christ, not what he thinks about a wall, the Pope has hoisted himself on his own petard here. The Vatican is surrounded by the mother of all walls, and has the stingiest citizenship and immigration policy of any sovereign state in the world.

     The low-information media and the Vatican itself have scrambled to the Pope's defense. The Vatican reminds us that the Pope did not build the Vatican wall. True. But he's making no effort to take it down either.

     The wall was originally built in the 800s for the same reason we need to build a wall along our southern border: to protect from invasion. Building a wall to keep people out is much different than building a wall to keep people in. One European country after another today is either building a border security fence or thinking about it because the tsunami of unvetted illegal Muslim aliens is threatening their safety and cultural identity.

     According to the Vatican press office, as of December 31st, 2011 the Vatican had granted citizenship to just 594 people: 71 Cardinals, 359 members of the clergy, 109 members of the Pontifical Swiss Guard, and 55 lay persons. In other words, outside of the Swiss guard, the Vatican uses a strict religious test for citizenship. The Pontiff would hardly be in a position to complain if the U.S. did the same.

     The Vatican is very stingy about granting refugee status to anyone. Its total contribution to solving the refugee crisis is to admit two - count 'em, two - refugee families inside its walls, both of them Catholic.

     Building a wall for the safety and security of citizens cannot possibly be, in and of itself, an ungodly thing to do. If it is, we need to rip the entire book of Nehemiah out of the Bible. I'm quite sure that's not something the Pontiff is prepared to do.

     CNN just this week did a feature piece on what it would take to build a wall along our entire 2000 mile southern border. Using pre-cast concrete panels, CNN's experts estimated it would take about $10.5 billion - that's chump change in DC - and take less than four years. In other words, it's perfectly doable.

Trump is also right about one other thing: Mexico can easily be made to pay for it. Right now, the single largest component of the Mexican economy (bigger even than oil) is remittances - the $24.8 billion that is transferred by Mexicans in the US to their relatives across the border every year. The bulk of it - 97% - is handled electronically. A 4% surcharge on each transaction would generate $1 billion a year. In 10 years, the wall would be paid for. By Mexico.

     Building a wall is the most Christian and compassionate thing a government can do for its own citizens. It protects them and their families from drug dealers, gangs, human traffickers, sex traffickers, rapists, and jihadis, as well as from those who come to America to take rather than contribute.

     The Pope understands this. That's why he maintains a wall around his own sovereign state. Perhaps he can be persuaded to let us do the same.

February 17, 2016

Brooklyn Falls under Sharia Law

     Muslim Carolyn Walker-Diallo was recently sworn in as a civil court judge of the 7th Municipal District in Brooklyn, N.Y., taking her oath of office on her Koran in her hijab.  She is the first raghead to enter the judiciary since her kind launched the 911 attack on the World Trade Center fifteen years, five months, and six days ago, to be followed by the Boston Marathon Massacre two years, ten months, and two days ago, not to mention all the beheadings, warring, and mass murder of Christian, Jew, homosexual, and who knows who else they're after at any given moment, though basically that comes from a pool clearly consisting of everybody who isn't one of them.  

     Valued reader, should you so much as mention your outrage in the wrong circles, stand prepared to find yourself accused of being a bad person, consumed with hate.  Today's commie, still disguising him/herself as "Liberal", albeit thinly, has become so emboldened by Umama's success at bringing democracy to its knees that conversation with one about anything even remotely smacking of patriotism has turned ugly, and this one, this... this... this abomination strikes a knife in the heart of every American who remembers where and when.

     Above all, stay away from Academia.  It has been our experience that nut cases are being uncaged there.

February 14, 2016

Red Dawn Rising

     With 1) legislation effective January 1, 1981 enabling the transfer of our percentage ownership interests in public corporations to corporate suits through felonious theft fraudulently tagged "stock options" and 2) seizure of the U.S. Treasury bond market to prevent "vigilantes" there from punishing thereby-uncontrolled Left Wing overspending with appropriate interest rates on the grossly outsized National Debt they've been ringing up, the Central Party running this country set in motion machinery to convert the nation's political/economic structure into full-blown communist socialism within, in our estimation, 20 years.  This weekend's death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia all but seals the deal - if the commies can replace him with one of their own.  

     Should that be the case and we get another pinko on the court, just go ahead and mark 2036 down on your calendar.  It is the year by which you will see your dividend and interest payments terminated as all of us start receiving the same monthly stipend as everyone else who is not politically connected to the overlords.

     Don't look for anything dramatic from the demise of capitalism.  The entire non-Government population will simply get added to the welfare rolls already in use.  A paperwork attack on investors is all this thoughtfully orchestrated revolution will turn out to be.

     As for the upcoming November election, Scalia's death changes everything.  We aren't just voting for a new President anymore, but also the man who will make or break what has become the Conservative resistance movement in our courts - should the new POTUS get to appoint Scalia's successor, which seems likely at this point in time.