
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

December 27, 2014

The Neoeconomic Perils of Pauline

     As a train wreck waiting to happen, nothing beats the European Union for sheer cliffhanging drama.  Will this be the fatal event that pundits have been expecting?   Has the end finally come?  Maybe, maybe not.  Or can another melodramatic rabbit get pulled out of somebody's financial hat, once again saving the day.  Who knows?  As the latest episode unfolds, the global investment community watches with baited breath.  Here's a pretty good snapshot of where this week's installment is headed at the moment:


December 24, 2014

Street Rule in America

     Another gunman pills his piece on a lawman, and gets what's coming to him, and the 100, or so, arriving at the scene are labelled "protesters" by a complicit, and lawless, media.  More "protesters" are planning to shoot up precinct stations in the area where two of their officers were assassinated.  And "protesters" in Manhattan are taped chanting:

     "What do we want?  Dead cops.
     When do we want them?  NOW."

     People, these are insurrectionists, led by revolutionaries engaged in unlawful assembly.  In real life, insurrectionists and revolutionaries go to jail, their unlawful assembly shut down.

     The talking heads who should be using the right words, don't, but we can.  Call this thing what it is, anarchy, enabled by an Administration encouraging mob rule, and make sure everyone around you takes the seditionists for who and what they really are.

Press Release Re: Corporate Doings

     Your Post staff is pleased to announce that Global Headquarters has been transitionally relocated from Logano, Tennessee to Port Reactionary, Louisiana as part of a strategic move to an undisclosed location closer to the Mexican Border War.  Rumors that MacDougal snuck out of town in the middle of the night are downright unsubstantiated.  It was real near dawn, and skedaddling ain't necessarily sneaking, even in those parts.  Anyways, if they was chasin', we wasn't caught.  

     - Guns MacDonald, Chief of Security, The MacDougal Post 

December 23, 2014


     Once again, we ask our valued subscribers to take a moment and reflect on what Christmas is all about:

December 15, 2014

This Oil Thing

     Make no mistake about it, with the price of a near term light crude futures contract at the NY Merc getting chopped from 100 something just last summer way down to 50 and change this Friday, what's going on here smacks of Crime Family manipulation as opposed to anything OPEC would be pulling off.  Who knows, but a 50% trouncing over 6 months in any kind of major paper is about one capitulation short of a crash, the abject horror that leaves "weak hands" running for the exits, financially crippled and leaping out of office windows to get there.  That's the hallmark of Wall Street racketeering, how your prototypical Presbyterian gumba works off the brutality of his maleficence during what we take to be the multiple orgasms stage of any successful global market crime spree.

     Yesterday's media coverage called for whole countries to go under, and your Post staff agrees - if Wall Street masterminds are calling the shots.  These craven archfiends are always out to do no less, and live for those glorious gore-dripping moments when satan spawn can yank our kind down to the depths of total despair where Beelzebub and them rule over God-fearing folk from occasion to misbegotten occasion.

     Time will tell, and best guess is, we don't have long to wait.  Whether defaults/devaluations, or whatever, by weak sisters like Venezuela and Nigeria will mark the bottom, looms as the question of the day.

     If worse comes to worse down the final stretch, just strap yourselves in and hold on tight.  Should headlines start screaming, "End of Days", pour a little capital into the oil major of your choice and you'll be boasting of that genuinely heroic feat for the entire rest of your life, and rightfully so.

     It's just the boys acting up again, the old take-'em-for-everything-they-got crowd showing the 99% no mercy, as usual, while opening up what could well become the opportunity of the decade for those of us who are in the know.  Remember that, and surely the MacDougal Post community will do all right.

     Racketeers are pulling off a heist here - the theft of public savings.  That's it.  There's nothing more to say.  Don't let some whacked-out talking head scare you into thinking it's any damn thing else.

December 10, 2014

Oil Transportation - The Debate

The case against moving oil by rail

     Transporting oil by rail is 287 times as dangerous and results in 85 times as many deaths as pipeline transportation, according to a State Department report, and costs about twice as much.

The case against moving oil by pipeline

     "This is really a place to draw the line with those who are destroying our climate, destroying our environment..."

               - Hotshot climatologist.

     "Our whole economy is going to look like a place that was hit by Hurricane Sandy if we don't start drawing the line against the greenhouse gases that are creating climate catastrophe and start building an alternate economy."

               - Sustainability hotshot.

December 5, 2014

White Outrage

     For some time now, rabble-rousing lowlifes have been labelling the recent deaths of three criminals the result of some kind of contrived countrywide law enforcement hate crime, criminals who, according to accounts from the few reliable media sources left in this country, were killed while wrestling with policemen nabbing them for real criminal activity.  Two got plugged, the third succumbed to obesity, which can't always handle the ramifications of picking a fight with law enforcement officers during one's arrest.  Also mixed in with these is a fourth fatal incident involving this 12 year-old boy who tragically pulled a handgun on two uniformed policemen, one of whom was jumping out of their patrol car, cops just dispatched to the disturbance following a telephoned report that someone was going around pulling a handgun on people there.  As anyone schooled in firearms will tell you, that it turned out to be a pellet gun is immaterial - both situationally and under the law - plus the scary goddam thing looks for all the world like it's real to us.

     The crimes police were dealing with here include strong-armed convenience store robbery, illegal sale of cigarettes, a drug deal fingered by a bystander, and brandishing a weapon in a freaking playground.  In the most high-profile case, the bad guy was grabbing for the policeman's weapon at the time the deceased got shot.  Two others died at the scene of their crimes, the fourth while fleeing his.

     In the most despicable part of this, the f#ck!ng POS in the White House deemed the fraudulent media frenzy as well as the grossly inappropriate hoopla, "understandable", and the f#ck!ng POS Attorney General keeps starting Federal investigations every time one of these phony "stories" hits the airwaves.

     Oh, did we mention, all the perps are Black, all the officers White.  Clearly, this obscenely prejudiced Administration revels in pulling the country apart along Black and White lines. What we are seeing, is destructionism on steroids.

     Why do we even have to point the following out (because nobody in the commie propaganda machine has): when a law enforcement officer wears a gun, close-hand combat is a life or death struggle.  Lose that firearm to the perp or draw yours after he draws his, and it's the uniformed officer who could be dead.  Through December 5, 113 law enforcement fatalities have been recorded so far this year, 46 of them firearms-related.

     You won't find anything resembling reality in the fictional mainstream media coverage linking these fatalities together, or in the words of the lawless throng getting interviewed.  In fact, it's all too obvious that the underlying truth is being egregiously misrepresented for blatantly racist purposes.  And from that, one has to conclude, the real hate crime in this is theirs.

The silent majority has had every reason to grow seething mad.  It would sure feel good to read about that boiling over for a change.


December 4, 2014

How Voting Democrat Will Destroy This Country

     Click on the link below and scroll down a tad to the chart titled, "A DEBT-FREE FUTURE", showing U.S. debt held by the public as a share of the economy, including two projections, where the percentages will end up under 1) the Democratic Party's destructionist policies now in place (illustrated in red) or 2) a balanced budget (shown in green).  You'll be on the official website of The House of Representatives Committee on the Budget, chaired by Paul Ryan, viewing the only information a voter should be considering at this point in history.

     Wildly irresponsible spending by the left is taking this country down.  Paul Ryan and his work, backed by the entire Republican Party, is all that stands between us and certain ruination.  Poke around the website a bit, if you wish - the Key Facts and Summary section is notably reader friendly - but there's nothing else one really needs to know.  

     It's life or death for the American way, and undisciplined growth in this suffocating debt burden that no economy could possibly survive has become the one issue that matters.  A coldhearted killer is stalking you and yours, his dark threat something voters absolutely have to overcome.

     We've seen lists itemizing just how frivolous the left's pork belly legislation can get, and that used to be the whole argument here, but in our minds it's been diminished by the dire tale told in this one little chart.