
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

November 30, 2014

Obama Dumps All over the Country?

     Everywhere one looks, local facilities such as streets, schools, and the occasional airport have been named after one political figure or another, often ex-presidents; the memorial on the other side of the following link seems to represent an extension of that practice in appropriate recognition of the years Americans had to spend under the sitting POS; all of us at your MacDougal Post fervently hope the idea goes viral:

     So often, material coming into Global Headquarters from eagle-eyed subscribers is way better than anything staff is working on at the time.  It's with great pride that we offer thanks to the Navy vet who came up with this submission.  Sir, we'd like to thank you for your civilian service to the nation's Post readership; your patriotism is deeply appreciated once again. 

November 29, 2014

A Final Thought on Ferguson

     "Them civil rights folks promised us Blacks, but all they come up with was more niggers."

             - Anonymous American War Hero

November 25, 2014


     3,415.  That's how many brand new government regulations the White House released on the Friday before this Thanksgiving.  3,415.

     3,415 may not sound like much, but when you consider that it's 3,415 more steps in the Democratic Party's march toward absolute communism, heaped atop similar releases on all those many other Fridays before holidays, you get the notion we're a whole lot closer to full Central Party control of what used to be a free country than we were, say, six years ago.


     3,415 more inroads into the destruction of the "free" in the term "free people" that no longer applies without the addition of 3,415 supplemental qualifications the Left has just posted to it's ever-evolving, state-of-the-commie-art definition.

     3,415.  That's how Leninists are doing us, subscribers, and have been at it for decades now.  These little bureaucratic knife wounds slashed across the foundation on which a great nation was built, steadily chipping away at the "liberty" in "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", slicing out our role, yours and mine and everyone else's too, for that matter, until the pinkos have seized absolute control over the entirety of American socioeconomic existence.

     3,415.  It's not just another number.  3,415 is how many penetrating stab wounds this POS President has inflicted on you and yours as you sit down to your turkey dinner.  3,415 additional ways to ultimately eviscerate all your family holds dear while government functionaries take control of everything there was to life as we used to know it - and all working parts everywhere become operated by flunkies under the full control of an almighty ruling class composed of brain dead, ideology-driven, failed Washington politicians.

     Think hard about what we need to pray for this holiday, subscribers.  Thanksgiving ain't all about thanks this year, thanks to the odious POS that minorities and them pooped into the White House on the worst day in human history, a bottomlessly tragic November 4, 2008.

     And try to have a nice holiday anyway.  Perhaps the end is near.

November 19, 2014

The American Dream Lain in Ruins

     The staggering loss of American paychecks to globalization and robotics has yet to be acknowledged, let alone addressed, by Washington, and a fawning media continues to ignore the resulting cost, the inability of the demand side of our economy to add healthy legs to an anemic cyclical upturn, especially a rather obvious root cause, the devastating, politically-driven destruction wreaked on the cornerstone of any economic bounty that had come our way before, a formerly almighty American middle class.

     It's left to unknown authors in obscure online publications to even bring such matters up:

November 17, 2014

Letting the Bad Guys off

     Today, crooked Feds take part in financial crime by muscling huge bribes out of a perp's employer to keep him/her from getting tossed in the slammer, then blame the system to justify their part in the unprosecuted criminal activity that's being allowed to reach epidemic proportions.  A notorious 80's racketeer figures he and the boys should've waited a couple of decades before scamming public investors:

November 12, 2014

Governments Fine Shareholders, Let Crooks off

     Our communist propaganda machine reported today that U.S., British, and Swiss bureaucrats fined five global banks $3.4 billion for attempting to manipulate foreign exchange markets.  That's a lie.  Once more, it was innocent bank shareholders who got fined, strongarmed into coughing up the kind of obscene bribes that corrupt government functionaries are demanding from crooks controlling shareholder funds who are seeking to avoid prosecution for financial crimes these days.  No actual perps were arrested, charged, or even fingered in blatant criminal activity egregious enough to justify a multibillion dollar payola price tag.

     The longtime arch-villain in this lucrative racket, Eric Holder, is gone, but more reprobates are scrambling to move his damnable legacy on.  And the American media, seemingly feigning cluelessness, keeps misrepresenting what's going on here over and over again.

November 3, 2014

Financial Terminology Update

     Apple common stock has beguiled a devoted cult of techies and techie groupies ever since Day One, and mundane business jargon doesn't begin to cover the Apple lover's ardent passion for his/her fav issue.  We've been trying to coin a term, but hadn't been able to quite put it into words until just now, after a valued subscriber sent in the following Seeking Alpha piece.  Clearly the author here is speaking to the craven need for some kind of multiple financial orgasms the pack of them keep experiencing:

November 1, 2014

A New Low - Illegals Now Drive AND Vote

     In case you missed this one, it is beyond unbelievable; what we need are laws that can be used to put sitting presidents behind bars with a mandatory life sentence: