
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

April 21, 2014

Coca-Cola Beachhead in The Executive Compensation Wars

        Coca-Cola (KO) shareholders just received the notice linked below asking fellow KO stockholder Warren Buffett to step forward and do the right thing on the heinous destruction of investor wealth by corporate “stock option” racketeers.  The Weasel of Omaha does not let CEO’s and them running his Berkshire Hathaway companies steal from Bershire shareholders that way and yet the man has remained despicably silent regarding the massive theft of shareholder interest elsewhere that has been raping responsible Americans in the 99% since bought-and-paid-for enabling legislation became effective all the way back on January 1, 1981.

        Before that date, a dirty rat skimming shareholder interest off the company books would've gotten his rotten a$$ thrown in the slammer by the bunko squad.  Today these swindlers are swimming in godzillions of such ill-gotten gains, and we call them the 1%.

       Well, you do anyway.  We call them thieving b$st$rds here at The MacDougal Post.

April 16, 2014

Travel Alert: Prepare for Future Bombings in the New York/New Jersey Area

         Islamic Fear of Muslim surveillance by the New York Police Department (NYPD), first reported to the public after the World Trade Center bombings in 2001, has shut down terrorism by clandestine operatives sheltered inside New York/New Jersey communities of that militant culture so effectively that the program has never even produced any leads.  No talk of teenagers strapped with bombs, of nut cases leaving explosive devices at finish lines, of delusional ragheads who can’t get laid down here blowing themselves to smithereens so they can pound promised pussy up in that weird raghead heaven of theirs.

         And now, because the covert NYPD initiative has been so spectacularly successful, “civil rights activists”, who’ve been trying to shut the broad intelligence program down since they first found out about it 13 years ago, have finally had their way.

         God help anyone taking to the streets of New York now.
         Here’s how one fascist liberal propaganda machine went about covering this outrage as part of yesterday’s fascist liberal “news”:

         Go out and buy more semi-automatic weapons, subscribers.  And ammo, and banana clips.  Plenty of banana clips. 

         The camel’s nose is inside the tent.

April 13, 2014

100,000 Next?

         Saturday, an estimated 1,000 armed Americans stood with rancher Cliven Bundy and his family, outgunning a “team” of, we assume, Park Rangers sent to Nevada by the U. S. Bureau of Land Management to threaten Bundy and his family with quasi-military action over something to do with an endangered tortoise, vaguely cited as why the Bureau had seized 400 head of the rancher’s free-ranging cattle and planned on rounding up 600 more.  For a couple of decades now, Bundy has refused to pay a monthly fee postured as having a non-specific, unsubstantiated connection with saving the poor imperiled critter.

         One liberal news organ reported that the Americans were “heavily armed”.  Another showed a photo of a guy carrying an AR-15.  One guy.  One AR-15.  A head and shoulders shot so you couldn't see what anyone else was toting, if in plain sight.

         Anyway, the rangers surrendered, citing grave concern for “public” safety, and the rancher got his steers back.  Afterwards, an environmental spokesperson said his group will sue unless federal land managers do something next, but we couldn’t figure out quite what.

         Best guess is, next time it’ll be 10,000 armed Americans, depending on what’s up, maybe 100,000 if something like Obamacare gets to feeling stuffed down our throats like that by the commie fascists running Washington today.

April 10, 2014

High Frequency Trading

         Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt, the new book by Michael Lewis, focuses on market rigging by high frequency traders.  In discussing that abomination, pundits are avoiding the issue.

         In any market, transactions are drawn from lists of buyers’ bids and sellers’ asking prices, and some individual or process has to match up which two are going to execute the next trade.  On the New York Stock Exchange that used to be a human, the floor specialist.  Today, he or (rarely) she has been replaced by who knows what, and we’re told only that these are “computers” and maybe “algorithms”, queued in ways that give advantages to racketeers, like being in front of us and knowing the prices we're supposedly getting before our trades are posted.

         Crime family racketeers.  The same Presbyterian Mafioso who gave us The World Financial Apocalypse of 2008, only the scam was bundling subprime mortgages then, hoodwinking those of us dumb enough to buy their CDO’s (collateralized debt obligations) and MBD’s (mortgage backed securities), and now they’re robbing us through our orders.

         All of our orders.  Buy or sell stocks, bonds, futures, options, exchange traded funds, index funds, or whatever else is out there, and Crime Lords have their thugs lined up ahead of you in droves waiting to 1) buy your buy before you and sell it to you at a higher price, 2) sell your sell order first and buy it from you at a lower price, or 3) generally screw with you every which way they want, and that brings up the real problem here.

         Our hotshots at the Securities and Excuses Commission.  Talk about racketeering.

         Again, for the umpteenth time, the pack of them belong in the slammer.  Nothing happens on Wall Street without their total neglect, and then they take jobs with the Families.