
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

March 22, 2013

My Way

         MacDougal Irving has gotten published outside the MacDougal Post, in the internet publication, Seeking Alpha, to be specific, and the man’s too full of himself right now to risk telling anybody hisself, so we’re doing it for him.  Fool says he still doesn’t care about inanities like recognition or reaching his public.  Just that this particular author loves writing and has done so all his life – even when absolutely nobody was reading the stuff besides him.

         Here’s the link to what the man’s been singing around here all damn day and night:

         And here's the precious link to that historically irrelevant (he made us put that in) first published piece; editor’s notice said the accepted submission would be included in today’s macro publication, whatever that is, and we can't wait to see how many readers are going to skewer his exposed butt in the comments section, or how bad; Goofy says he doesn’t care about the skewerings either:

March 19, 2013

Is Cyprus Joining the Party?

         With market gurus everywhere acting blindsided by the Cyprus Government’s decision to consider taxing bank savings accounts (at rates of 6.7% on balances under 100 thousand Euros and 9.9% on those over this level), most pundits screaming, “where did that come from?”,  MacDougal Post subscribers seem to stand alone in understanding that corporate elites in this country have been skimming their shareholders’ savings via the “stock option” racket since January 1, 1981.

         Turning the magic of long term compounding against us, systematic pilferage of  our savings each and every year can skim the whole amount of beginning shareholder wealth into the hired help's pockets inside a few decades. Apparently, the mathematically inclined in Cyprus’ Government have noticed.

         And one-upped them.  At rates around 9.9%, Cyprus Feds would be contemplating time frames that are well within a decade.  In less than 10 years, today's balance in a citizen's bank account would be seized in its entirety under that kind of grand larceny.

         People save to better their prospects over a long period of time.  What we're up against here is starting to look like the absolute destruction of that future by a ravaging pack of wild-eyed nihilists.

March 14, 2013

Securities and Excuses Says Public Corporations Are Owned by the Hired Help

       Reuters reports that regulatory hotshots at the Securities and Excuses Commission (SEC) have told the hired help running four of our too-big-to-jail, quasi-nationalized banks that the hired help at a complete disgrace of a bank doesn’t have to put stockholder proposals to a stockholder vote at a complete disgrace of a bank when banking disgraces have gotten so complete with the hired help at said institution that stockholders want to break up that complete disgrace of a bank and end all the misbegotten financial suffering.

       Apparently the help ran to bought-and-paid-for Washington again just like they always do whenever anybody comes up with an authentic enforcement action to put a stop to their criminal activities.

       Dickheads.  Bank dickheads.  SEC dickheads.  When is somebody going to come along and put all the dickheads in jail.  The lot of them.


       Whatever, here’s your damn link:

March 12, 2013

The Hot IPO and Why You Can't Get In On It

         Linked below is an informed piece speaking to one of the darkest secrets on Wall Street.  If you've ever wondered what kind of dough an investment bank rakes in by lowballing the issuing price on an initial public offering (IPO), and how, here's your answer.  Watching IPO prices immediately soar to spectacular heights in the aftermarket won't seem quite so dumbfounding anymore.